

#include files 232

$ in variable name 484

%file command-line string 255

%line command-line string 255

(Helper Apps) folder 256

.ctlg extension 540

.dump 373

.MAP extension 363

.mcp extension 55, 496

.mkb extension 303

? in variable name 484



RAD 493-494

the CodeWarrior IDE 17-19

About (VCS operation) 588

About Metrowerks command (Mac OS) 635

About Metrowerks command (Windows) 633

absbottom option, of Java Applet wizard 503

absmiddle option, of Java Applet wizard 503

Absolute Path 263, 328, 341

Absolute Path option

of Source Trees preference panel 263

of Source Trees settings panel 341

Absolute Path option, in Type pop-up menu 263, 341

Abstract option, of Specifier pop-up menu 512, 569, 574

Abstract Window Toolkit See AWT.


compiling and linking 365

access paths 323

recursive search 323

Access Paths settings panel 323

Add button 327

Add Default button 327

Always Search User Paths checkbox 325

Change button 330

Host Flags pop-up menu 327

Interpret DOS And Unix paths checkbox (Mac OS) 326

Remove button 330

System Paths pane 327

System Paths radio button (Windows) 325

User Paths pane 326

User Paths radio button (Windows) 325

Access pop-up menu

of Java Bean wizard 512

of New Class wizard 231

of New Event Set wizard 574

Private option 236, 239, 568, 574

Protected option 236, 239, 568, 574

Public option 236, 239, 512, 568, 574

Accessors section, of New Property dialog box 565, 566

Action section

of Customize IDE Commands window 293


defining for custom commands 295

undoing and redoing a series of 272

Activate Browser checkbox

in Build Extras settings panel 331

Activate Browser Coloring checkbox

of Browser Display preference panel 268

activating 103

breakpoints 414

debugging for projects 103

active pane 396

Add (VCS operation) 588

Add button

in Access Paths settings panel 327

of Custom Keywords dialog box 276

of File Mappings settings panel 335

of New Event dialog box 579

of New Method dialog box 569

of New Property dialog box 566

of Source Trees preference panel 263

of Source Trees settings panel 341

Add button, of Java Applet wizard 505

Add Default button

in Access Paths settings panel 327

Add Design To Project checkbox, of Project panel 514

Add File command 612

Add File To Targets list, of New Event Set wizard 576

Add Files command 612

Add Files To Targets list

of New Class wizard 233

Add Window command 84, 368, 370, 612


designs to projects 513

elements to toolbars 311

file name extensions 335

files by using drag and drop 83

files to projects 77

files to projects (Macintosh) 80

files to projects (Solaris) 82

files to projects (Windows) 79

key bindings 300

keyboard shortcuts 300

menu commands 293

preprocessor symbols to projects 105-106

Additional Header Include Files

of New Class wizard 232

of New Data Member wizard 240

of New Member Function wizard 237


tab size 274

time allotted to balancing punctuation 272

time allotted to display contextual menu 272

advanced options

for compiling 365

After option, of New Class wizard 229

After option, of New Event Set wizard 574

Alert Yourself After Build option (Mac OS) 365

Align command 525

Align pop-up menu, of Java Applet wizard 503

Align To Grid command 631

All Exceptions command 633

All Info option

of Plugin Diagnostics 259

All option

in Host Flags pop-up menu 327

Alpha 90


C++ methods 280

Alt/Option 23

Always Search User Paths checkbox

of Access Paths settings panel 325

Always Show Login Dialog (VCS option) 585, 589

Always Use File Mapping For Symbolics checkbox

of MetroNub Settings preference panel (Mac OS) 288


inheritance in browser 246

Ancestor Class pop-up menu 223

Anchor Floating Toolbar command 313

Anchor Floating Toolbar command (Mac OS) 635


floating toolbar 313


C code in Pascal project 487

Appears in Menus checkbox

of Customize IDE Commands window 293, 294, 295

Apple Menu

About Metrowerks command (Mac OS) 635

Apple Menu (Mac OS) 635

AppleScript 256, 257

Applet Class section, of Java Applet wizard 500

Applet Name field, of Java Applet wizard 503

Applet Parameters section, of Java Applet wizard 504

Applet Title field, of Java Applet wizard 506


additional information for 505, 509

creating parameters for 504

specifying HTML page for 501

Application Class section, of Java Application wizard 506

Application Title field, of Java Application wizard 509


describing frame class for 507

Arguments field

of Customize IDE Commands window (Windows) 295

Arithmetic Optimizations 348

Array window 417

setting base address 417


in separate windows 455

arrow keys 43

assembler 34

assembly language

memory display 400, 402

register display 400, 402

viewing 390, 402, 408


files to build targets 97

Quote Key prefix 304

assigning files

with the Project Inspector 98

with the Target column 97

assigning files with 97, 98

Attempt To Use Dynamic Type Of C++, Object Pascal And SOM Objects checkbox

of Display Settings preference panel 280

Auto Indent checkbox

of Font & Tabs preference panel 274

Auto Repeat checkbox

of Customize IDE Commands window 302

Auto Target Libraries checkbox

of Global Settings preference panel 285


names of symbols 244


launch of applications when opening SYM files 284

Automatic updating 367

automatic updating

of precompiled headers 367


indenting lines of text 274

automatically editing symbols 244

automatically entering symbols 244

Automatically Launch Applications When SYM File Opened checkbox

of Global Settings preference panel 284


with RAD tools 493

Auto-target libraries checkbox

of Debugger Settings panel 354

Auto-variables view 409

in debugger 26


RAD components 549-550

AWT Applet radio button

of Java Applet wizard 501

AWT Frame radio button

of Java Application wizard 509

of Java Frame wizard 528


Back button

of Browser wizards 227

of RAD wizards 499, 526, 571

Background Color setting 269

Backing up files 118

Backspace/Delete 22

backup files 72, 118

Balance command 151, 605

Balance While Typing checkbox

of Editor Settings preference panel 271

Balancing punctuation 150

balancing punctuation

adjusting time allotted to 272

Balloon Help (Mac OS) 257

Base Class and Interfaces section

of Java Bean wizard 512

of New Event Set wizard 575

Base Class section

of Java Bean wizard 512

of New Event Set wizard 575

Base Classes and Methods section, of New Class wizard 230

Base Classes field

of New Class wizard 231

baseline option, of Java Applet wizard 503

basic debugging 427-465

Batch search 184

BBEdit 90

BBEdit Extensions Menu (Mac OS) 638


setting base class and interfaces of 512

setting name and location of 510

Before option, of New Class wizard 229

Before option, of New Event Set wizard 574

beginners conventions 21


removing 363, 364

Binary Transfer checkbox

of FTP PostLinker settings panel 351

bottom option, of Java Applet wizard 503

Branch Optimizations 348

Break on C++ Exception command 622

Break on Java Exceptions command 622


conditional 414, 446

conditional expressions 467

conditional, and loops 447

conditional, creating 447

defined 442

effect of temporary breakpoints on 444

impact of optimizing code 448

making active 414

making inactive 414

missing 480

no response from 481

setting 443, 481

setting and clearing 443

setting for redefined functions 447

setting for templated functions 447

setting in Source Code Browser window 408

temporary 435, 444

troubleshooting 480

viewing 445

Breakpoints window 413, 445

Breakpoints Window command 414, 445, 629

Bring To Front command 526, 630

Bring Up To Date command 253, 359, 360, 361, 365, 367, 614

Browse button

in Build Extras settings panel (Windows) 332


assigning build targets to classes 233

specifying #include files for 232

specifying base classes and methods for classes 230

specifying file locations for member functions 236, 239


activating 205, 331

analyzing inheritance 246

automatic completion of symbols 244

base classes in hierarchy 223

Class Declaration button 219

Classes pane 217

Classes Pane button 219

Contents view 207, 213

controlling lines in hierarchy window 223

customizing windows 247

Data Members pane 220

describing name and location of new classes 228

displaying tab views (RAD) 560

editing code 246

Events tab view(RAD) 562

finding function overrides 246

Hierarchy view 209

identifier icon 220

identifying symbols in database 241

including subprojects 331

interface 210-227

List button 218

Member Functions pane 219

Methods tab view(RAD) 561

multi-class hierarchy 221-223

navigating code with 211, 242

Open File icon 221

opening a source file 244

Properties tab view(RAD) 560

RAD dialog boxes 563-579

RAD features 559-563

resize bar 217

saving windows 247

seeing a declaration 245

seeing a routine definition 245

seeing MFC classes in 247

seeing PowerPlant classes in 247

setting options 241

showing subclasses in hierarchy 223

single-class hierarchy 223

Source pane 220

status area 221

strategy 206-210

Symbol window 224

synchronized class selection 218, 222

synchronized data member selection 220

synchronized member function selection 220

tab control (RAD) 559

tab view limitations 560

toolbar 215

using 240-248

view 208

viewing member functions and data members 216

viewing options 206

Browser Access Filters pop-up menu 216

Browser Contents command 627

Browser Display preference panel 268

Activate Browser Coloring checkbox 268

Include Insert Template Commands In Context Menu checkbox 268

Browser Menu 624-625

New Class command 625

New Data Member command 625

New Event command 625

New Event Set command 625

New Member Function command 625

New Method command 625

New Property command 625

Browser menu 226

Browser window 214-221

pane zoom box 217

browser window

navigating code in 439

Browser wizards 227-240

Back button 227

Cancel button 227

Finish button 227

Generate button 228

Next button 227


across subprojects 243

source code 36

Build Before Running pop-up menu

of Build Settings preference panel 252

Build Extras settings panel 330

Activate Browser checkbox 331

Browse button 332

Cache Subprojects checkbox 331

Dump Internal Browse Information After Compile checkbox 332

Use Modification Date Caching checkbox 331

Use Third Party Debugger checkbox (Windows) 332

Build Progress Window command 628

Build Settings preference panel 252

Build Before Running pop-up menu 252

Compiler Thread Stack field 253

Failure pop-up menu 253

Include File Cache field 253

Play Sound After `Bring Up To Date' & `Make' checkbox (Mac OS) 253

Save Open Files Before Build checkbox 253

Success pop-up menu 253

build target

preparing for debugging 391

build target configurations, in Target Settings window 320

build target settings 315-318

guided tour 315-318

build targets 35, 41

assigning files to 97

changing settings 96

changing the name of 95

choosing settings 318-354

creating 94

creating dependencies 97

defined 18, 91

setting 96

build, alert when completed 365

building projects 59

Button component 549


Add 327

Add Default 327

Cancel 251, 290, 317, 330

Change 330

Choose 295

Close Catalog 530, 533

Component Catalog 530

Component Palette 533

Delete 297

Don't Save 251, 290, 317

Edit Item Properties 533

Export 303

Factory Settings 251, 291, 317

Import 303

Import Components 533

List View 534

Live View 534

New Catalog 533

New Command 294

New Folder 533

New Group 294

OK 330

Open Catalog 530, 533

Revert Panel 251, 291, 318

Save 251, 290, 291, 317, 318

Sort Order 48

Toggle Index View 533, 534


C popup parsing

relaxing in K&R-styled code 271

C string

entering data as 460

viewing data as 457

C String command 624


debugging 285

methods, alphabetizing 280, 407

C/C++ Compiler Reference command 632

Cache Edited Files Between Debug Sessions checkbox

of Global Settings preference panel 283

Cache Subprojects checkbox

of Build Extras settings panel 331

call-chain navigation 438

call-chain navigation through code 438

Can Run As A Standalone Application checkbox

of Java Applet wizard 501

Cancel button 251, 290, 317, 330

of Browser wizards 227

of Makefile Importer wizard 66

of New Event dialog box 579

of New Method dialog box 569

of New Property dialog box

New Property dialog box

Cancel button 566

of RAD wizards 499, 526, 571

Canvas component


Canvas 549

Catalog pane

of Component Catalog window 533

Catalog pop-up menu 529


defined 495

Category pop-up menu, in Contents window 213

CFM68K 387

Change button

in Access Paths settings panel 330

of Source Trees preference panel 266

of Source Trees settings panel 344


background color 269

build target names 95

build target settings 96

data in debugger 453

environment variables 334

font and color 442

main text color 269

memory 420

memory, dangers of 420

registers 421, 423

syntax highlighting colors 276

the current build target 96

variable values 459


viewing data as 457

Character command 624

character constant

entering data as 460

Check Syntax command 613

Checkbox components 549

Checkin 586

Checkin (VCS operation) 588

Checkout 586

Checkout (VCS operation) 588

Checkout Status Column 590

Checkout Status column 50, 592

Choice component 550

Choose button 295

in Debugger Settings panel 354

in FTP PostLinker settings panel 351

in Runtime Settings panel

Runtime Settings panel

Choose button 333

in Target Settings panel 323

of Java Bean wizard 511

of Source Trees preference panel 263

of Source Trees settings panel 341


a compiler 356

a default project 73-74

class authoring, in RAD 494

Class Declaration button, in browser 219

Class field, of New Class wizard 229

Class field, of New Event Set wizard 574

Class For Debugging field

of Java Settings preference panel (Windows) 286

Class Hierarchy Window command 627

Class Is A Bean checkbox

of Java Bean wizard 510

of New Event Set wizard 572

Class item

in Component Information Bar 537

Class Name field

of Java Applet wizard 500

of Java Application wizard 506, 508

of Java Bean wizard 510

of Java Frame wizard 527

of New Class wizard 228

of New Event Set wizard 572


assigning to build targets 233

auto-completion of names 244

describing name and location of 228

specifying #include files for 232

specifying base classes and methods for 230

Classes pane

and items not displayed in 218

Classes Pane button, in browser 219

Classes pane, in browser 217

Clear All Breakpoints command 444, 620

Clear All Watchpoints command 622

Clear Breakpoint command 443, 619

Clear button

in Runtime Settings panel 333

in Target Settings panel 323

Clear command 150, 412, 415, 452, 605

Clear command (Mac OS) 523

Clear Floating Toolbar command 312, 635

Clear Main Toolbar command (Windows) 312

Clear Watchpoint command 415, 452, 621

Clear Window Toolbar command 312, 634

ClearCase VCS plugin 582


breakpoints 443

watchpoints 415, 451

Close All command 600

Close All Variable Windows command 413

Close Catalog button 530, 533

Close Catalog command 601

Close command 600


Close 539

Close Non-Debugging Windows radio button

of Windowing preference panel 282


projects 73

Closing all files 123

Closing one file 121


compiling and linking 37

deadstripping 46

debugging and refining 34

editing and browsing 36

editing in browser 246

killing execution 437

navigating 437

navigating in the browser 242

navigation via Source Code Browser window 439

preprocessing 372

running 430

running in debugger 432


font and color 442

source code file 32

stepping into routines 434

stepping out of routines 434

stepping through 430

stepping through a single line 433

stopping 430

stopping execution 436

viewing as assembly language 390

viewing source as assembly language 402

viewing source as mixed 403

Code column 45

code generation configurations, in Target Settings window 346

code navigation contextual menu 211

code optimization

and impact on breakpoints 448

Codebase/Archive field, of Java Applet wizard 503


and VCS 38

available tools 18

browser 205

browser (RAD) 559

configuring options 249

configuring target options 315

converting makefiles to projects 64-67

converting multiple IDE 1.7 projects to latest version 71

converting single IDE 1.7 project to latest version 70

customizing 38

debugging source code 389

getting started 29

IDE 31

IDE, defined 17

installation 31

introduction 17, 35-39

Linux system requirements 31

Mac system requirements 30

menu reference 597-640

online documentation 158

programming concepts 31-35

RAD components 549

RAD designs and layouts 493

RAD Layout editor 519

RAD tools defined 37

reference information 597

scripting 38

Scripts menu (Mac OS) 637

software generation 34

Solaris system requirements 31

system requirements 29-31

Windows system requirements 30

working with projects 41

CodeWarrior Help command 632

CodeWarrior IDE

about 17

CodeWarrior QuickStart Guide 27

CodeWarrior Relative 329

Collapse Non-Debugging Windows radio button

of Windowing preference panel (Mac OS) 282

Collapse Window command (Mac OS) 626


groups 74


setting for background 269

setting for main text 269

Color Settings

of Editor Settings preference panel 269

Color Syntax option

and printing 124


comments 275

custom keywords 275, 276

keywords 275

strings 275


changing for syntax highlighting 276

COM 260

command groups

creating 294

deleting 296

Commando command 636


Add Window 84, 368, 370

adding to menu bar 293

Align 525

Anchor Floating Toolbar 313

Breakpoints Window 414, 445

Bring To Front 526

Bring Up To Date 253, 359, 360, 361, 367

C/C++ Compiler Reference 632

Clear 412, 415, 452

Clear (Mac OS) 523

Clear All Breakpoints 444

Clear Breakpoint 443

Clear Floating Toolbar 312

Clear Main Toolbar (Windows) 312

Clear Watchpoint 415, 452

Clear Window Toolbar 312

Close All Variable Windows 413

CodeWarrior Help 632

Commands & Key Bindings 289

Compile 253, 359

Component Catalog 532

Component Palette 528

Copy 416

Copy to Expression 411

creating 294

creating groups for 294

Customize Object 548

customizing 291

Debug 333, 360, 362

Debugger 632

defining actions for 295

Delete 548

Delete (Windows) 523

deleting 296

Disable Breakpoint 444

Disable Debugger 361, 391

Disassemble 253, 373

Display Grid 526

Enable Breakpoint 444

Enable Debugger 361, 391

Error Reference 632

examining 293

Export Project 102

exporting 303

Expressions Window 411, 461

FPU Registers 422

FPU Registers Window 422

General Registers 421, 464

Global Variables Window 454

Glossary 632

Group 526

Hide Breakpoints 444

Hide Floating Toolbar 308

Hide Main Toolbar (Windows) 308

Hide Window Toolbar 309, 397

How To 632

IDE 632

Import Project 103

importing 303

Insert Template (in contextual menu) 268

Kill 437

Lock 539

Make 253, 360, 367, 393

modifying existing 292

MSL C Reference 632

MSL C++ Reference 632

New 53, 495, 513, 520, 540

New Class 227

New Event 577

New Event Set 569

New Folder 539

New Member Function 227

New Method 566

New Property 564

New Text File 367, 369, 371

Object Inspector 543

Open 68

Open Recent 69, 255

Other 632

Precompile 253, 365, 367, 368, 370, 372

Preferences 249

Preprocess 253, 373

Processes Window 424

Properties 526

Register Window 421

Remove Files 87

Remove Object Code 364

Remove Toolbar Item 311

removing from menu bar 296

Rename 539

Reset Floating Toolbar 312

Reset Main Toolbar (Windows) 312

Reset Window Toolbar 312

Resize 525

Run 253, 285, 360, 361, 394, 432, 436

Save 370, 372

Save A Copy As 72

Save As 416

Select All 548

Send To Back 526

Set Watchpoint 451

Show Breakpoints 444

Show Floating Toolbar 308

Show Main Toolbar (Windows) 308

Show Private 217

Show Protected 217

Show Public 217

Show Types 456, 484

Show Window Toolbar 309, 397

Snap To Grid 526

Step Into 434

Step Out 434

Step Over 433

Stop 432, 436

Synchronize Modification Dates 363

Syntax coloring 276

Target Settings 369, 371, 372

Touch 89

Unanchor Floating Toolbar 313

Ungroup 526

Unlock 539

View 539

View Alphabetical 548

View Array 413, 417

View As Implementor 217

View As Subclass 217

View As User 217

View In Groups 548

View Memory 462

View Memory As 417, 419, 462

View Variable 413

Watchpoints Window 414, 453

Commands & Key Bindings command 289, 606

Commands tab

of Customize IDE Commands window 292

Comment (VCS operation) 588


coloring 275

Comments item

in Component Information Bar 537

Common Object Model. See COM. 260

Common Subexpression Elimination 348

Compare Files command 611

Comparing and Merging Files & Folders 125

Compile command 253, 359, 614

compiler 34

Compiler pop-up menu

of File Mappings settings panel 338

Compiler Relative Path 263, 329, 342

Compiler Thread Stack field

of Build Settings preference panel 253

compiling 355-385

one file 359

projects 357-365

selected files 359

source files 359

compiling and linking

choosing a compiler 356

compiling files 358

debugging 362

disassembling 373

guided tour 373-376

link map 363

making a project 360

options 365

plugin compilers 356

precompiling headers 365-372

preprocessing 372

removing binaries 363, 364

removing object code 364

running 361

setting file extension 356

speeding 365

synchronizing modification dates 363

compiling code 37

completing symbols 243

completing symbols automatically 244

complex projects

creation strategy 94

working with 90-99

Component Catalog button 530

Component Catalog command 532, 629

Component Catalog contextual menu 538

Component Catalog File option, of New window 540

Component Catalog toolbar 532

Component Catalog window 532-542

Catalog pane 533

Component Information Bar 536

Component list 537

Component pane 534

Content View buttons 534

creating catalogs 539

component editors 552-557

Component Information Bar 536, 538

Class item 537

Comments item 537

Lock item 537

Modified item 537

Name item 537

resizing columns 538

sort order 538

sorting 538

Component list

in Component Catalog window 537

component model, in RAD 494

Component Palette 528-531

Catalog pop-up menu 529

component tools 530

toolbar 529

Component Palette button 533

Component Palette command 528, 629

Component pane

and Component Information Bar 536

of Component Catalog window 534

Component pane views, contrasted 535

component tools 530

components 549

Button 549

Checkbox 549

Choice 550

defined 494

Jbutton 551

JCheckBox 551

JComboBox 551

JEditorPane 551

JLabel 551

JList 551

JMenuBar 551

JOptionPane 551

JPanel 551

JPasswordField 551

JPopupMenu 551

JProgressBar 551

JRadioButton 551

JScrollBar 552

JScrollPane 552

JSlider 552

JSplitPane 552

JTabbedPane 552

JTable 552

JTextArea 552

JTextField 552

JTextPane 552

JToggleButton 552

JToolBar 552

JTree 552

List 550

MenuBar 550

Panel 550

PopupMenu 550

Scrollbar 550

ScrollPane 550

TextArea 550

TextField 550


programming 31-35

conditional breakpoints 414, 446

and loops 447

creating 447

expressions and 467


for build targets 320

for code generation 346

for debugger 352

for editor 352

for linker 350

configuring Makefile Importer wizard options 65

configuring options 249

configuring target options 315

Confirm "Kill Process" When Closing Or Quitting checkbox

of Global Settings preference panel 285

Confirm Invalid File Modification Dates When Debugging checkbox

of Global Settings preference panel 284


process kills when closing or quitting 285

Connect (VCS operation) 588

Connect on Open (VCS option) 585

Const checkbox

of New Data Member wizard 239

of New Member Function wizard 236


auto-completion of names 244

Constructor Parameters field, of New Class wizard 232

Content View buttons, Component Catalog window 534


of symbolics files 390

Contents view 207

Contents window

browser 213

Context Popup Delay field

of Editor Settings preference panel 272

contextual menu

for debugger 410

in browser 211

in Component Catalog window 538

in Layout editor 525

in Object Inspector 547

contextual menus

adjusting time allotted to display 272


project debugging 103-104

syntax highlighting within a window 276

time allotted to balancing punctuation 272

time allotted to display contextual menu 272

conventions 20

figures 22

for beginners 21

host terminology 21

hypertext 21

keyboard shortcuts 22

modifier keys 22

notes 20

tips 21

typefaces 21

typographical 20

warnings 20


from IDE 1.7 project format 70

Copy And Expression Propagation 348

Copy command 150, 416, 604

Copy Files 640

Copy Propagation 348

Copy to Expression command 411, 623

Copy to Expression command (debugger) 461


debugger 479

Create A Frame On Startup checkbox

of Java Application wizard 507

Create Folder checkbox 497

Create New Group command 612

Create New Segment command (Mac OS) 613

Create New Target command 613


build target dependencies 97

build targets 94

conditional breakpoints 447

environment variables 334

groups 86

input files 32

layouts 519

menu command groups 294

menu commands 294

menu items in Menu editor 554

precompiled headers 366

project stationery 61

projects 52-59

projects from stationery 54

RAD component catalogs 539

RAD objects in layouts 521

RAD projects 495-498

subprojects within projects 98

.ctlg extension 540

Ctrl/Command 23

Current Target pop-up menu 516

current-statement arrow 400

and skipping statements 435

and Source Code Browser window 408

at breakpoint 442

defined 431

dragging 435

custom commands

defining actions for 295

custom keywords

coloring 275, 276

deleting 276

exporting 277

importing 277

Custom Keywords dialog box

Add button 276

Custom Keywords list 276

Done button 276

Edit button 276

Custom Keywords list

of Custom Keywords dialog box 276

Custom Keywords settings panel 352

Edit button 352

Custom option, of New Event Set wizard 575

Customize IDE Commands window

Action section 293

Appears in Menus checkbox 293, 294, 295

Arguments field (Windows) 295

Auto Repeat checkbox 302

Commands tab 292

dialog box buttons 290

Directory field (Windows) 295

discarding changes 290

Dvorak KCHR Support checkbox 300, 301, 306

Execute field (Windows) 295

Key Bindings section 293

Name field 293, 294, 295

Numeric Keypad Bindings checkbox 299, 301, 305

Prefix Key Timeout field 306

Run App/Script field 295

Customize Object command 548


commands 291

IDE 38, 289-313

key bindings 297

menu commands 293, 296

toolbars 306

Cut command 150, 604

CVS VCS plugin 582

CW Core Tutorials folder 27



in separate windows 455

viewing and changing in debuggger 453

viewing as different types 458

viewing in different formats 457

Data column 46

data formats

availability 458

for variables 460

Data Member Declaration section, of New Data Member wizard 237

data members

declaring 237

viewing in browser 216

Data Members pane, in browser 220

Data Menu 622-624

C String command 624

Character command 624

Copy to Expression command 623

Default command 623

Enumeration command 624

Fixed command (Mac OS) 624

Floating Point command 624

Fract command (Mac OS) 624

Hexadecimal command 624

New Expression command 623

Pascal String command 624

Show Types command 622

Signed Decimal command 623

Unicode String command 624

Unsigned Decimal command 623

View Array command 623

View As command 623

View Variable command 623

data types

anon 484

enumerated 484

multiple 461

showing 456

viewing 456

viewing structured 400

Data Update Interval

in Debugger Settings panel 354

Database Path (VCS option) 585


synchronizing 363

synchronizing modification dates 90

Dead Code Elimination 347

Dead Store Elimination 348

deadstripping code 46

Debug All Java Class Files In Directory Hierarchy checkbox

of Global Settings preference panel 284

Debug column 46, 103

debug column in Project window 393

Debug command 333, 360, 362, 394, 478

Debug Info marker 103

for groups 104

Debug Menu 618-622

Break on C++ Exception command 622

Break on Java Exceptions command 622

Clear All Watchpoints command 622

Clear Breakpoint command 619

Clear Watchpoint command 621

Disable Breakpoint command 620

Disable Watchpoint command 621

Enable Breakpoint command 620

Enable Watchpoint command 621

Hard Reset command (Embedded) 618

Hide Breakpoints command 620

Kill command 618

Reset command (Embedded) 618

Restart command 618

Set Breakpoint command 619

Set Watchpoint command 621

Show Breakpoints command 620

Step Into command 619

Step Out command 619

Step Over command 618

Stop command 619

Switch To Monitor command 622

View Memory As command 623

View Memory command 623


Display Settings preference panel 279

Global Settings preference panel 283

Java Settings preference panel 286

MetroNub Settings preference panel 287

Windowing preference panel 281

x86 Settings preference panel 288

debugger 34

Auto-variables view 26, 409

basic debugging 427-465

contextual menu 410

crashing 479

defined 389

editing source code 465

error messages 487

expressions 466-477

font selection 442

general problems 478

guided tour 395-426

launch problems 478

launching 428

problems while running 479

running code 430, 432

starting up 428

stepping into routines 434

stepping out of routines 434

stepping through code 430, 433

stopping code 430

toolbar 397

troubleshooting 477-491

using 394-395

viewing and changing data 453

Debugger command 632

debugger configurations, in Target Settings window 352

Debugger Preferences

of IDE Preferences window 278

Debugger Settings panel

Auto-target libraries checkbox 354

Choose button 354

Data Update Interval 354

Location Of Relocated Libraries, Code Resources Or Remote Debugging Folder field 354

Log System Messages checkbox 353

Stop At Watchpoints checkbox 354

Debugger Trap Settings

of MetroNub Settings preference panel (Mac OS) 288

Debugger() 288


activating for source code 103

all Java class files in directory hierarchy 284

and refining code 34

configuration 361

DLLs automatically 286, 354

enabling debug info 103

generating debugging information 103-104

generating symbolics information 393

on multiple monitors 282

preparation 390-394

preparing a build target 391

preparing a file 392

projects 37, 362

static constructors 285

debugging for files 103

debugging information file 35

debugging source code 389

DebugStr() 288


entering data as 460

Declaration field

of New Data Member wizard 240

of New Member Function wizard 237

Declaration File field

of New Class wizard 228

Declaration section

of New Event dialog box 579

of New Method dialog box 569


seeing in browser 245


IDE key bindings 640-657

Default applet parameter, of Java Applet wizard 504

Default command 623

default file name extensions 336-338

Default Size For Unbounded Arrays field

of Display Settings preference panel 281

Default Text File Format pop-up menu

of Editor Settings preference panel 272


for toolbars 312


actions for custom commands 295

Defining Symbols for C/C++ 369

Defining Symbols for Pascal 371


of build target 91

of design 93

of subproject 92

Definition field

of New Data Member wizard 240

of New Member Function wizard 237

Delete button 297

Delete command 548

Delete command (Windows) 523


command groups 296

custom keywords 276

environment variables 334

expressions 412

key bindings 302

keyboard shortcuts 302

menu commands 296

dereferencing handles 400

Description applet parameter, of Java Applet wizard 504

Description field

of Java Applet wizard 506

of Java Application wizard 510


defined 93

Design Name text field, of Project panel 514

Design pop-up menu, of New window 520

Design tab, in Project window 515

Design view 42, 515

of Project window 50


adding to projects 513

in Targets view 516

limitations of 515

working with 513-516

Details field

of Global Optimizations settings panel 347

Diagnostic Settings option for makefiles 67

dialog box buttons

for IDE preferences 250

for settings panels 317

in Customize IDE Commands window 290

in IDE Preferences window 250

in Target Settings window 317

dialog boxes, for RAD browser 563-579

Directory field

of Customize IDE Commands window (Windows) 295

Disable Breakpoint command 444, 620

Disable Debugger command 361, 391, 617

Disable Third Party Plugins checkbox

of Plugin Settings preference panel 260

Disable Watchpoint command 621

Disassemble command 253, 373, 614

disassembling source code 373


changes in Customize IDE Commands window 290

changes in IDE Preferences window 251

changes in Target Settings window 317

Disconnect (VCS operation) 588


of added files 78

Display Grid command 526, 630

Display Settings preference panel 279

Attempt To Use Dynamic Type Of C++, Object Pascal And SOM Objects checkbox 280

Default Size For Unbounded Arrays field 281

In Variable Panes Show All Locals By Default checkbox 280

In Variable Panes Show Variable Types By Default checkbox 280

Show Tasks In Separate Windows checkbox 280

Show Variable Values In Source Code checkbox 281

Sort Functions By Method Name In Browser checkbox 280

Variable Change Hilite option 279

Watchpoint Hilite option 279


a tab view in the browser 560

DLL 286, 354

automatically debugging 286, 354

Do Nothing To Non-Debugging Windows radio button

of Windowing preference panel 281


platform targets 27

QuickStart and tutorials 27

viewers 27

dollar sign in variable names 484

Don't Save button 251, 290, 317

Don't Step Into Runtime Support Code checkbox

of Global Settings preference panel 285

Done button

of Custom Keywords dialog box 276

DOS text files 119

Drag & Drop Editing checkbox

of Editor Settings preference panel 272

drag and drop

adding files to projects 83

text 150

to remove files and groups 87

Dump Internal Browse Information After Compile checkbox

of Build Extras settings panel 332

dump memory 418, 623

Dvorak KCHR Support checkbox

of Customize IDE Commands window 300, 301, 306

dynamic library 33

Dynamic Scrolling checkbox

of Editor Settings preference panel 271

dynamically linked library. See DLL. 286, 354


Edit button

of Custom Keywords dialog box 276

of Custom Keywords settings panel 352

Edit Item Properties button 533

Edit Menu 603-606

Balance command 605

Clear All Breakpoints command 620

Clear command 605

Commands & Key Bindings command 606

Copy command 604

Cut command 604

Insert Reference Template command (Mac OS) 605

Multiple Redo 604

Multiple Undo 604

Paste command 604

Preferences command 606

Redo command 604

Select All command 605

Shift Left command 605

Shift Right command 605

Target Settings command 606

Undo command 603

Version Control Settings command 606


in browser 246

source code 36

source code in debugger 465

editing support for drag & drop 272

editing symbols automatically 244

editing, redoing 152

editing, undoing 152


drag and drop 272


font preferences 270

editor 133-157

adding text 147

balancing punctuation 150

color syntax 153

configuration 141-145

deleting text 147

finding a routine in 154

font 142

Go Back and Go Forward 157

go to line number 157

guided tour 133-140

markers 154-156

moving text 150

navigating text 153-157

opening related file 156

panes 143-144

saving window settings 144

selecting text 148

text editing 145-153

text size 142

third-party support 255

undoing changes 152-153

user interface elements 133

editor configurations, in Target Settings window 352

Editor Extensions Menu (Mac OS) 638

Editor Preferences

of IDE Preferences window 268

Editor Settings preference panel 269

Balance While Typing checkbox 271

Color Settings 269

Context Popup Delay field 272

Default Text File Format pop-up menu 272

Drag & Drop Editing checkbox 272

Dynamic Scrolling checkbox 271

Flashing Delay field 272

Font Preferences checkbox 270

Left Margin Click Selects Line checkbox 271

Other Settings 271

Relaxed C Popup Parsing checkbox 271

Remember section 270

Selection Position checkbox 270

Sort Function Pop-Up checkbox 272

Use Multiple Undo checkbox 272

Window Position And Size checkbox 270

Editor window

setting the font 274

setting the font size 274


creating menus with Menu editor 554

for RAD components 552-557

for RAD menu bars 553

for RAD pop-up menus 556

modifying menus with Menu editor 555

removing menus with Menu editor 556

third-party 90

Electric Fish

CVS plug-in 582

Projector plug-in 582


in toolbars 307

Emacs text editor 255

empty project 53

Empty Project option, of New window 55

Enable 621

Enable Automatic Toolbar Help checkbox

of IDE Extras preference panel (Mac OS) 257

Enable Breakpoint command 444, 620

Enable Debugger command 361, 391, 616

Enable Debugging command 478

Enable Watchpoint command 621

End Key 147

End key 43

Enter `Find' String command 177, 608

Enter `Replace' String command 608

Enter/Return 22

entering data

formats 460

entering symbols automatically 244

Entire Word checkbox 181


viewing data as 457

Enumeration command 624


auto-completion of names 244

Environment Settings section

of Runtime Settings panel 334

Environment Variable option

of Source Trees preference panel 263

of Source Trees settings panel 341

Environment Variable option, in Type pop-up menu 263, 341

environment variables

creating 334

deleting 334

modifying 334

Error Button 374

error messages 377

compiler 378

debugger 487

Error Reference command 632

Errors & Warnings Window command 628

Errors Only option

of Plugin Diagnostics 259

event sets

assigning to build targets 576

setting base class and interfaces of 575

setting name and location of 572

Events tab

in Object Inspector 546

Events tab view, in browser (RAD) 562


commands 293

project information 99-101

RAD objects 523


of expressions 471

Exceptions in Targeted Classes command 633

Execute as ToolServer Script command 636

Execute field

of Customize IDE Commands window (Windows) 295


killing 437

of a single statement 433

stopping 436

Existing button

of New Class wizard 230

of New Member Function wizard 237

Existing Custom Set option, in New Event Set dialog box 570

Exit command 602

Expand Window command (Mac OS) 626


groups 74

variables 399, 418, 454

Export button 303

Export Project command 102, 602


commands 303

custom keywords 277

key bindings 303

projects 102-103

Expression Simplification 348

expressions 466-477

and decimal values 471

and registers 469

and structure members 472

and variable values 471

as source addresses 468

attaching to breakpoints 467

changing conditions by dragging 468

creating 466

creating by dragging 467

defined 466

deleting 412

examples 471

formal syntax 473

in Breakpoints window 467

in Expressions window 466

in Memory window 468

interpretation of 466

limitations of 469

logical 472

pointers in 472

reordering 411

special features 469

using 469

Expressions window 411

adding caller variables 461

adding items 461

and variables 461

changing order of items 461

Expressions Window command 411, 461, 628

Extension column

in File Mappings settings panel 335

Extension field

of File Mappings settings panel 336

extension, file name 335

external development tools 39

external editor support 255

Extra Information Button 375


Factory Settings button 251, 291, 317

Failure pop-up menu

of Build Settings preference panel 253

Faster Execution Speed radio button

of Global Optimizations settings panel 347

fat libraries 387

FDI 256

figure conventions 22

File column 44, 111

%file command-line string 255

File Control pop-up menu 49

File field

of Java Bean wizard 511

of New Event Set wizard 573

File Locations section, of New Member Function wizard 236, 239

File Mappings List 335

File Mappings list

of File Mappings settings panel 335

File Mappings settings panel 334

Add button 335

Compiler pop-up menu 338

Extension column 335

Extension field 336

File Mappings list 335

File Type column 335

File Type field 336

Flags pop-up menu 338

Mapping Info section 335

File Menu 599-603

Close All command 600

Close Catalog command 601

Close command 600

Exit command (Windows) 602

Export Project command 602

Find and Open `Filename' command 600

Find and Open File command 600

Import Components command 601

Import Project command 601

New command 599

New Text File command 599

Open command 599

Open Recent command 599

Page Setup command (Mac OS) 602

Print command 602

Print Setup command (Windows) 602

Quit command (Mac OS) 603

Revert command 601

Save A Copy As command 601

Save All command 600

Save As command 601

Save command 600

file name extensions 335

adding 335

default settings 336-338

file name suffix 335

File Name text field, of File panel 540

File pane 412

File panel

File Name text field 540

Location text field 540

File Path Caption 139

File Sets List 172

File Sets Pop-up Menu 172

File Sets, saving 191

File Systems 640

File tab, of New window 540

File Type column

in File Mappings settings panel 335

File Type field

of File Mappings settings panel 336

File view

Checkout Status column 50

Code column 45

Data column 46

Debug column 46

File column 44

File Control pop-up menu 49

Interface pop-up menu 48

Project Checkout Status icon 50

Target column 47

Touch column 47


opening 156

saving file sets 191

saving in default text format 272

files 107-125

activating debugging for 103

adding to projects 77

adding to projects (Macintosh) 80

adding to projects (Solaris) 82

adding to projects (Windows) 79

assigning to build targets 97

assigning with the Project Inspector 98

assigning with the Target column 97

automatic stationery setup 58

backing up 72

building projects 59

choosing a default project 73-74

closing 121-123

compiling 358

compiling one file 359

compiling selected files 359

converting projects from IDE 1.7 format 70

creating 107

debugging information file 35

display of added files 78

drag and drop adding to projects 83

dynamic library 33

empty project 53

header file 33

include file 33

input file creation 32

interface file 33

items saved with projects 72

library file 33

managing project files 74-90

modifying projects 59

moving 85

naming projects 55

opening existing 108-114

opening project files from other hosts 69

opening projects from earlier IDE versions 70

opening projects prior to IDE 1.7 (Mac OS) 71

output file 34, 41


Checked out 590

Locked 591

Modify Read-Only 590

Read-Only 590

Unlocked 591

preparing for debugging 392

printing 123-125

printing options 123

project file 33

project stationery 53

recompiling 359

removing 87

removing with drag and drop 87

removing with menu commands 87

resource file 32

reverting to saved 125

saving 115-119

saving a copy of a project 72

selecting 76

setting extensions 356

source code file 32

static library 33

symbolics file 35

symbolics files 390

touching and untouching 89

types of project files 53

Files pane 406

and breakpoints 406

navigating code with 440

Files view 42

of Project window 44

sorting items 47

Final option, of Specifier pop-up menu 512, 569, 574

Find and Open `Filename' command 600

Find and Open File command 600

Find command 607

Find Definition & Reference command 159, 610

Find Definition command 159, 610

Find in Next File command 607

Find in Previous File command 608

Find Next command 177, 607

Find Previous command 177, 179, 607

Find Previous Selection command 608

Find Reference command 159

Find Reference command (Mac OS) 610

Find Reference Using pop-up menu

of IDE Extras preference panel (Mac OS) 258

Find Selection command 608

Find symbols with prefix 243

Find symbols with substring 243

Find Window

guided tour 165-176


function overrides in browser 246

finding all implementations of function 224

Finish button

of Browser wizards 227

of Makefile Importer wizard 66

of RAD wizards 499, 526, 571


viewing data as 457

Fixed command (Mac OS) 624

Flags pop-up menu

Ignored By Make flag 339

Launchable flag 338

of File Mappings settings panel 338

Precompiled flag 338

Resource File flag 338

Flashing Delay field

of Editor Settings preference panel 272

Floating Document Interface. See FDI. 256

floating point

entering data as 460

viewing data as 457

Floating Point command 624

floating toolbar

anchoring 313

Folder To Upload field

of FTP PostLinker settings panel 351

Font & Tabs preference panel 273

Auto Indent checkbox 274

Font pop-up menu 274

Sample field 274

Size pop-up menu 274

Tab Indents Selection checkbox 274

Tab Settings section 274

Tab Size field 274

Font pop-up menu

of Font & Tabs preference panel 274

Font Preferences checkbox

of Editor Settings preference panel 270

font selection in debugger 442

font size

setting 274


setting 274


entering data in 460

of data views 457

FPU Register window 402

FPU Registers command 422

FPU Registers window 400, 422

FPU Registers Window command 422


viewing data as 457

Fract command (Mac OS) 624

Frame Class section, of Java Application wizard 507

Frame Class section, of Java Frame wizard 527

FTP PostLinker settings panel 350

Binary Transfer checkbox 351

Choose button 351

Folder To Upload field 351

Generate Log checkbox 351

Host Address field 350

Password field 350

Remote Directory field 351

User Name field 350

function overrides

finding in browser 246

Function pop-up menu 403, 406, 409

sorting alphabetically 403, 409


auto-completion of names 244

describing name and location of 234

specifying file locations for 236, 239

Functions pane 407, 409

functions, finding all 224


General Preferences

of IDE Preferences window 252

General Registers command 421, 464

General Registers window 400, 402, 421

General Settings section

of Runtime Settings panel 333

Generate button

of Makefile Importer wizard 66

Generate button, of Browser wizards 228

Generate button, of RAD wizards 499, 527

Generate Constructors and Destructors checkbox, of New Class wizard 231

Generate HTML Page checkbox

of Java Applet wizard 501

Generate Log checkbox

of FTP PostLinker settings panel 351

Generate Standard Methods checkbox

of Java Applet wizard 501


a link map 363

symbolics information 393

generating software 34

Get 586

Get (VCS operation) 587

Get next symbol 243

Get previous symbol 243

getting started with IDE 29

Global Optimizations settings panel 346

Details field 347

Faster Execution Speed radio button 347

Optimization Level Slider 347

Optimize For section 347

Smaller Code Size radio button 347

Global Register Allocation 347

Global Register Allocation Only For Temporary Values 347

Global Settings preference panel 283

Auto Target Libraries checkbox 285

Automatically Launch Applications When SYM File Opened checkbox 284

Cache Edited Files Between Debug Sessions checkbox 283

Confirm "Kill Process" When Closing Or Quitting checkbox 285

Confirm Invalid File Modification Dates When Debugging checkbox 284

Debug All Java Class Files In Directory Hierarchy checkbox 284

Don't Step Into Runtime Support Code checkbox 285

Maintain Files In Cache For field 283

Purge Cache button 283

Stop At Beginning Of `Main' When Launching Applications checkbox 285

global variables 412

in Variables pane 399

placing in separate windows 413

viewing in debugger 454

Global Variables window 412

Global Variables Window command 454, 629


auto-completion of names 244

Glossary command 632

glue code 486

GNU, converting make files to projects 53

Go Back command 611

limitations of 243

Go Forward command 611

limitations of 243

Go To Line command 611

grep 195-203

Group command 526, 630

Group pop-up menu 111


and Debug Info marker 104

creating 86

expanding and collapsing 74

moving 85

naming 88

removing 87

removing with drag and drop 87

removing with menu commands 87

selecting 76

guided tour

of build target settings 315-318

of IDE preferences 249-251


Hard Reset command (Embedded) 618

Has Data Member section, of New Property dialog box 566

header file 33

header files

opening 115

precompiling 365-372

Height field, of Java Applet wizard 503

Help Menu 632-633

About Metrowerks command (Windows) 633

(Helper Apps) folder 256


entering data as 460

viewing data as 457

Hexadecimal command 624

Hide Breakpoints command 444, 620

Hide Floating Toolbar command 308, 634

Hide Main Toolbar command (Windows) 308

Hide Non-Debugging Windows radio button

of Windowing preference panel 281

Hide Window Toolbar command 309, 397, 634


toolbars 308

hierarchy expansion triangle 223

Hierarchy view, browser 209

History (VCS operation) 588

Home Key 147

Home key 43


defined 18

Host Address field

of FTP PostLinker settings panel 350

Host Application For Libraries And Code Resources field

of Runtime Settings panel 332

Host Flags pop-up menu

All option 327

in Access Paths settings panel 327

None option 327

host terminology conventions 21


opening project files 69

How To command 632

HSpace field, of Java Applet wizard 503


specifying page in Java Applet wizard 502

HTML Page section, of Java Applet wizard 501

Hypertext Markup Language. See HTML. 502

hypertext navigation 21


IDE 31

about 17

adding menu commands 293

and VCS 38

available tools 18

browser 205, 559

choosing preferences 252-289

configuring options 249

configuring target options 315

converting multiple IDE 1.7 projects to latest version 71

converting single IDE 1.7 project to latest version 70

customizing 38, 289-313

debugging source code 389

default key bindings 640-657

defined 17

getting started 29

installation 31

introduction 17, 35-39

Linux system requirements 31

Mac system requirements 30

menu reference 597-640

online documentation 158

opening projects from earlier versions 70

preference panel dialog box buttons 250

preference panels 250

programming concepts 31-35

RAD components 549

RAD designs and layouts 493

RAD Layout editor 519

RAD tools defined 37

reference information 597

removing menu commands 296

scripting 38

Scripts menu (Mac OS) 637

settings panel dialog box buttons 317

software generation 34

Solaris system requirements 31

system requirements 29-31

Windows system requirements 30

working with projects 41

IDE command 632

IDE Extras preference panel 254

Enable Automatic Toolbar Help checkbox (Mac OS) 257

Find Reference Using pop-up menu (Mac OS) 258

Launch Editor field 255

Launch Editor W/ Line # field 255

Recent Projects field 255

Use BBEdit Extensions checkbox (Mac OS) 258

Use External Editor checkbox 256

Use Multiple Document Interface checkbox (Windows) 256

Use Script Menu checkbox (Mac OS) 257

Use Third Party Editor checkbox (Windows) 255

Use ToolServer Menu checkbox (Mac OS) 257

Zoom Windows To Full Screeen checkbox 256

IDE preferences

guided tour 249-251

IDE Preferences window

Browser Display panel 268

Build Settings panel 252

Debugger Preferences 278

dialog box buttons 250

discarding changes 251

Editor Preferences 268

Font & Tabs panel 273

General Preferences 252

IDE Extras panel 254

Plugin Settings panel 258

preference panels 250

Source Trees panel 261

Syntax Coloring panel 274

IDE User Guide

overview 19-20

identifier icon, in browser 220


symbols in browser database 241

Ignore Case checkbox 181

Ignore Traps option

of MetroNub Settings preference panel (Mac OS) 288

Ignored By Make flag

of Flags pop-up menu 339

Implements List section

of Java Bean wizard 513

of New Event Set wizard 576

Import button 303

Import Components button 533

Import Components command 601

Import Project command 103, 601

Import Weak command 386

Importable XML option (Mac OS) 103


commands 303

custom keywords 277

key bindings 303

projects 102-103

In Variable Panes Show All Locals By Default checkbox

of Display Settings preference panel 280

In Variable Panes Show Variable Types By Default checkbox

of Display Settings preference panel 280


breakpoints 414

include file 33

Include File Automatically Added For Member Type field

of New Data Member wizard 240

Include File Cache field

of Build Settings preference panel 253

#include files 232

Include Files Automatically Added For Return Type And Parameters field

of New Member Function wizard 237

Include Files section, of New Class wizard 232

Include Files That Will Automatically Be Added For Base Classes field

of New Class wizard 232

Include Insert Template Commands In Context Menu checkbox

of Browser Display preference panel 268


lines of text automatically 274

infinite loops

escaping from (Mac OS) 437

Info Menu (Solaris) 639


examining in a project 99-101

Information section, of Java Applet wizard 505, 509


analyzing in browser 246

Inherited access icon 219, 220

Initialize Before command 387

Initializer field

of New Data Member wizard 239

Initializer field, in New Property dialog box 566

Inline checkbox

of New Member Function wizard 236

input files

creation of 32

Insert Information In Every File checkbox

of Java Applet wizard 506

of Java Application wizard 510

Insert Reference Template command (Mac OS) 605

Insert Template command 637

Insert Template contextual menu command 268

Inside option, of New Event Set wizard 574


of CodeWarrior IDE 31

Instruction Scheduling 350

Integrated Development Environment 17

interface file 33

Interface Pop-up Menu 135

Interface pop-up menu 48, 89

Interfaces pop-up menu 112

Internet Protocol. See IP.

Interpret DOS And Unix paths checkbox

in Access Paths settings panel (Mac OS) 326


PVCS plug-in 582

introduction to IDE 17

IP 288, 289


Java 28

AWT RAD components 549-550

Swing RAD components 550-552

Java Applet wizard 499

absbottom option 503

absmiddle option 503

Add button 505

Align pop-up menu 503

Applet Class section 500

Applet Name field 503

Applet Parameters section 504

Applet Title field 506

AWT Applet radio button 501

baseline option 503

bottom option 503

Can Run As A Standalone Application checkbox 501

Class Name field 500

Codebase/Archive field 503

Default applet parameter 504

Description applet parameter 504

Description field 506

Generate HTML Page checkbox 501

Generate Standard Methods checkbox 501

Height field 503

HSpace field 503

HTML Page section 501

Information section 505, 509

Insert Information in Every File checkbox 506

left option 503

Location field 501

middle option 504

Name applet parameter 504

Package Name field 501

Remove button 505

right option 504

Swing Applet radio button 501

texttop option 504

Title field 502

top option 504

Type applet parameter 504

Use Archive (JAR) field 503

Variable applet parameter 504

VSpace field 503

Width field 503

Java Applet Wizard, of New window 496

Java applets

describing class of 500

Java Application wizard 506

Application Class section 506

Application Title field 509

AWT Frame radio button 509

Class Name field 506, 508

Create A Frame On Startup checkbox 507

Description field 510

Frame Class section 507

Insert Information in Every File checkbox 510

Location field 507, 508

Package Name field 507, 508

Swing Frame radio button 509

Java Application Wizard, of New window 496

Java applications

describing class of 506

Java Bean wizard 510

Access pop-up menu 512

Base Class and Interfaces section 512

Base Class section 512

Choose button 511

Class Is A Bean checkbox 510

Class Name field 510

File field 511

Implements List section 513

Modifiers section 512

Name and Location section 510

New File option 511

Non-Visual Bean/Custom option 513

Package field 511

Specifier pop-up menu 512

Visual Bean option 513

Java Bean Wizard, of New window 496

Java Exceptions Submenu 633

All Exceptions command 633

Exceptions in Targeted Classes command 633

No Exceptions command 633

Java Frame wizard 527

AWT Frame radio button 528

Class Name field 527

Frame Class section 527

Location field 528

Package Name field 527

Swing Frame radio button 528

Java frames

describing class of 527

Java Settings preference panel 286

Class For Debugging field (Windows) 286

JView Arguments field (Windows) 286

Program Arguments field (Windows) 286

JButton component 551

JCheckBox component 551

JComboBox component 551

JEditorPane component 551

JLabel component 551

JList component 551

JMenuBar component 551

JOptionPane component 551

JPanel component 551

JPasswordField component 551

JPopupMenu component 551

JProgressBar component 551

JRadioButton component 551

JScrollBar component 552

JScrollPane component 552

JSlider component 552

JSplitPane component 552

JTabbedPane component 552

JTable component 552

JTextArea component 552

JTextField component 552

JTextPane component 552

JToggleButton component 552

JToolBar component 552

JTree component 552

JView Arguments field

of Java Settings preference panel (Windows) 286


K&R coding

relaxing C popup parsing 271

Keep Program In Background While Stepping checkbox

of MetroNub Settings preference panel (Mac OS) 287

key bindings

adding 300

customizing 297

defaults 640-657

deleting 302

exporting 303

importing 303

modifying 299

removing 302

restrictions in choosing 299

Key Bindings section

of Customize IDE Commands window 293

key combination conventions 23

keyboard conventions 22

Alt/Option 23

Backspace/Delete 22

Ctrl/Command/Meta 23

Enter/Return 22

multiple modifier keys 23

Solaris 23

Keyboard Preferences 640

keyboard shortcuts

adding 300

deleting 302

modifying 299

removing 302

restrictions 299


modifier key legend (Mac OS, Solaris, and Linux) 641

prefix key timeout 306

prefix keys 303

Quote Key prefix 303


coloring 275

Kill 430

Kill command 437, 618

in debugger toolbar 397

Kill command (debugger) 432


execution of code 437

killing execution 437

compared to stopping 437


Label (VCS operation) 588

Label component


Label 550

Launch Editor field

of IDE Extras preference panel 255

Launch Editor W/ Line # field

of IDE Extras preference panel 255

Launchable flag

of Flags pop-up menu 338

launching debugger 428

problems 478

Layout editor 495, 519, 519-526

Layout editor contextual menu 525

Layout Menu 630-631

Align To Grid command 631

Bring To Front command 630

Display Grid command 630

Group command 630

Send To Back command 630

Snap To Grid command 630

Ungroup command 630

layout wizards 526-528

Java Frame Wizard 520


and use with Live view 535

creating 519

creating objects 521

limitations of 520

manipulating RAD objects 522

modifying 521

removing objects 523

working with 516-518

left margin

clicking to select a line 271

Left Margin Click Selects Line checkbox

of Editor Settings preference panel 271

left option, of Java Applet wizard 503


dynamic library 33

static library 33

library file 33

Lifetime Based Register Allocation 350


on choosing key bindings 299

Line button in hierarchy window 223

%line command-line string 255

Line Number Button 140

line number, going to 157

linear code navigation 438

linear navigation through code 438

Link Order view 42

of Project window 51

link order, setting 359

linker 34

linker configurations, in Target Settings window 350

Linker pop-up menu

in Target Settings panel 322

linker, shared libraries 385

Linking 355-385


projects 357-365

linking code 37


system requirements 31

List button, in browser 218

List component 550

List view

contrasted with Live view 535

List View button 534

Live Range Splitting 348

Live view

and use with RAD layouts 535

contrasted with List view 535

Live View button 534

Local Path (VCS option) 585

local variables 461

viewing in debugger 454

Location field

of Java Applet wizard 501

of Java Application wizard 507, 508

of Java Frame wizard 528

Location Of Relocated Libraries, Code Resources Or Remote Debugging Folder field 354

Location text field, of File panel 540

Location text field, of Project panel 497, 514

Lock command 539

Lock item

in Component Information Bar 537

Log All Statements Bypassed checkbox 67

Log Build Rules Discarded checkbox 67

Log DebugStr Messages checkbox

of MetroNub Settings preference panel (Mac OS) 288

Log System Messages checkbox

of Debugger Settings panel 353

Log Targets Bypassed checkbox 67

Log window 415

logical expressions 472

Lookup Symbol command 637

Loop Transformations 349

Loop Unrolling 349

Loop-Invariant Code Motion 349

loops and conditional breakpoints 447

loops, infinite

escaping from (Mac OS) 437


defined 419


Mac OS 28, 30

system requirements 30


auto-completion of names 244

MacsBug Handles Traps option

of MetroNub Settings preference panel (Mac OS) 288

Main Text color setting 269


SourceSafe plug-in 582

Maintain Files In Cache For field

of Global Settings preference panel 283

Make command 253, 360, 365, 367, 393, 615

Makefile Importer 53, 64-67

Makefile Importer wizard

Cancel button 66

Finish button 66

Generate button 66

options 65

Makefile Location option 66


converting to projects 64-67

creating new projects from 65


files in a project 74-90


objects in RAD layouts 522

manual conventions 23

manual style 20


platform targets 27

QuickStart and tutorials 27

.MAP extension 363

Mapping Info section

of File Mappings settings panel 335


clicking to select a line 271

Marker Pop-up Menu 137

marker, Debug Info 104

.mcp extension 55, 496

MDI 256, 282

Member Function Declaration section, of New Member Function wizard 234

member functions

specifying file locations for 236, 239

viewing in browser 216

Member Functions pane, in browser 219


changing 420

viewing memory at an address 462

viewing raw memory 462

memory dump 418, 455, 623

Memory window 418

and memory dump 455

changing base address 419

changing contents of 420

memory window 418

menu commands

creating 294

creating groups for 294

customizing 293, 296

deleting 296

to remove files and groups 87

Menu editor 553

creating menu items 554

modifying menu items 555

removing menu items 556

menu reference

for IDE 597-640

MenuBar component 550


creating with Menu editor 554

modifying with Menu editor 555

removing with Menu editor 556

Merge Into Output command 387

Merge shared libraries option 387

Message List Pane 376

Message Window

command 628

correcting compiler errors 379

error and warning messages 377

stepping through messages 378

using 376-385


stepping through 378

Method option 584


alphabetizing C++ and Object Pascal methods 407

methods (C++)

alphabetizing 280

Methods tab view, in browser (RAD) 561

MetroNub Settings panel

Remote IP/

Port field (Mac OS) 288

MetroNub Settings preference panel 287

Always Use File Mapping For Symbolics checkbox (Mac OS) 288

Debugger Trap Settings (Mac OS) 288

Ignore Traps option (Mac OS) 288

Keep Program In Background While Stepping checkbox (Mac OS) 287

Log DebugStr Messages checkbox (Mac OS) 288

MacsBug Handles Traps option (Mac OS) 288

PowerPC trap handling 288

Remote Debugging checkbox (Mac OS) 288

Stop For Traps option (Mac OS) 288


CVS plug-in 582

Projector plug-in 582

SourceSafe plug-in 582

Metrowerks Tool Set pop-up menu 67


seeing classes in browser 247


SourceSafe plug-in 582

Microsoft Windows 30

middle option, of Java Applet wizard 504

Minimize Non-Debugging Windows radio button

of Windowing preference panel (Windows) 282

Minimize Window command (Windows) 626



viewing 403, 408

.mkb extension 303

modification dates

in debugger 284

synchronizing 90, 363

Modification dates, synchronizing 90

Modified item

in Component Information Bar 537

modifier key conventions 22

modifier key legend (Mac OS, Solaris, and Linux) 641

Modifiers section

of Java Bean wizard 512

of New Data Member wizard 239

of New Event dialog box 578

of New Event Set wizard 574

of New Member Function wizard 236

of New Method dialog box 568


environment variables 334

existing commands 292

key bindings 299

keyboard shortcuts 299

layouts 521

menu items in Menu editor 555

projects 59

Monitor For Debugging pop-up menu

of Windowing preference panel (Mac OS) 282


debugging on multiple 282

Move Open Windows To Debugging Monitor When Debugging Starts checkbox

of Windowing preference panel (Mac OS) 282


files and groups 85

projects 102

MPW 122

MSL C Reference command 632

MSL C++ Reference command 632

multi-class hierarchy, browser 221-223

Multi-file searches 171-176

multiple data types 461

Multiple Document Interface. See MDI. 256

multiple IDE 1.7 projects

converting to latest IDE version 71

multiple modifier keys

documentation conventions 23

multiple RAD objects, selecting 522

multiple redo 604

multiple Redo command 152

multiple undo 604

multiple Undo command 152

multiple-monitor debugging 282

Mutable option, of Specifier pop-up menu 239

MW Perl 672

MW Perl.dll 671

MWPerl Panel.dll 671


Name and Location section

of Java Bean wizard 510

of New Event Set wizard 572

Name and Location section, of New Class wizard 228

Name applet parameter, of Java Applet wizard 504

Name column

in Source Trees preference panel 262

in Source Trees settings panel 340

Name field

in Source Trees preference panel 262

in Source Trees settings panel 340

of Customize IDE Commands window 293, 294, 295

of New Data Member wizard 238

of New Event dialog box 577, 579

of New Member Function wizard 235

of New Method dialog box 567, 569

of New Property dialog box 564, 566

of Source Trees preference panel 263

of Source Trees settings panel 341

Name item

in Component Information Bar 537

Namespace field

of New Class wizard 230

Namespaces Required For Base Classes And Constructor Parameters field, of New Class wizard 232

Namespaces Required For Parameters field

of New Member Function wizard 235

Namespaces Required For Type field

of New Data Member wizard 238


projects 55

Native checkbox, of New Method dialog box 569


code 437

Project window 43

through code in the browser 242

navigating code

by call chain 438

in browser window 439

linear 438

using a contextual menu 242

using the Go Back and Go Forward commands 242


using hypertext 21

navigation through code

linear 438

via routine call chain 438

via Source Code Browser window 439

with the Files pane 440

New button

of New Class wizard 230

of New Member Function wizard 237

New Catalog button 533

New Class Browser command 627

New Class command 227, 625

New Class wizard 228

Access pop-up menu 231

Add Files To Targets list 233

Additional Header Include Files 232

After option 229

Base Classes and Methods section 230

Base Classes field 231

Before option 229

Class field 229

Class Name field 228

Constructor Parameters field 232

Declaration File field 228

Existing button 230

Generate Constructors and Destructors checkbox 231

Include Files section 232

Include Files That Will Automatically Be Added For Base Classes field 232

Name and Location section 228

Namespace field 230

Namespaces Required For Base Classes And Constructor Parameters field 232

New button 230

New File option 229

Project field 233

Relative To Class option 229

Targets section 233

Use separate file for member definitions checkbox 230

Virtual destructor checkbox 232

New command 53, 495, 513, 520, 540, 599

New Command button 294

New Custom Event Set option, in New Event Set dialog box 570

New Data Member command 625


New Data Member 227

New Data Member wizard 237

Additional Header Include Files 240

Const checkbox 239

Data Member Declaration section 237

Declaration field 240

Definition field 240

Include File Automatically Added For Member Type field 240

Initializer field 239

Modifiers section 239

Name field 238

Namespaces Required For Type field 238

Type field 238

Volatile checkbox 239

New Event command 577, 625

New Event dialog box

Add button 579

Cancel button 579

Declaration section 579

dialog boxes

New Event 577

Modifiers section 578

Name field 577, 579

Optional Throws field 577

Package Required For Parameters field 578

Parameters field 577

Synchronized checkbox 578

New Event Set command 569, 625

New Event Set dialog box

dialog boxes

New Event Set 569

Existing Custom Set option 570

New Custom Event Set option 570

New Event Set wizard 571

Access pop-up menu 574

Add File To Targets list 576

After option 574

Base Class and Interfaces section 575

Base Class section 575

Before option 574

Class field 574

Class Is A Bean checkbox 572

Class Name field 572

Custom option 575

File field 573

Implements List section 576

Inside option 574

Modifiers section 574

Name and Location section 572

New File option 573

Package field 574

Relative To Class option 574

Set button 229, 573, 574

Specifier pop-up menu 574

Targets section 576

Visual Component option 575

New Expression command 623

New File option

of Java Bean wizard 511

of New Class wizard 229

of New Event Set wizard 573

New Folder button 533

New Folder command 539

New Group button 294

New Member Function command 227, 625

New Member Function wizard 234

Additional Header Include Files 237

Const checkbox 236

Declaration field 237

Definition field 237

Existing button 237

File Locations section 236, 239

Include Files Automatically Added For Return Type And Parameters field 237

Inline checkbox 236

Member Function Declaration section 234

Modifiers section 236

Name field 235

Namespaces Required For Parameters field 235

New button 237

Parameters field 235

Return Type field 235

New Method command 566, 625

New Method dialog box

Add button 569

Cancel button 569

Declaration section 569

dialog boxes

New Method 566

Modifiers section 568

Name field 567, 569

Native checkbox 569

Optional Throws field 567

Package Required For Parameters field 567

Parameters field 567

Return Type field 567

Synchronized checkbox 569

New Project dialog box 57

New Property command 564, 625

New Property dialog box

Accessors section 565, 566

Add button 566

dialog boxes

New Property 564

Has Data Member section 566

Initializer field 566

Name field 564, 566

Package Required For Type field 564

Summary section 566

Transient checkbox 566

Type field 564, 566

Volatile checkbox 566

New Text File command 367, 369, 371, 599

New window

Add Design To Project checkbox of Project panel 514

Component Catalog File option 540

Design Name text field of Project panel 514

Design pop-up menu 520

Empty Project option 55

File Name text field in File panel 540

File tab 540

Java Applet Wizard 496

Java Application Wizard 496

Java Bean Wizard 496

Location text field of File panel 540

Location text field of Project panel 497, 514

Object tab 520

Project Name text field in Project panel 496

Project pop-up menu 520

Project Stationery options 53

Project tab 54, 495, 513

Set button 56, 497, 540

Next button

of Browser wizards 227

of RAD wizards 499, 526, 571

No Exceptions command 633

None option

in Host Flags pop-up menu 327

of Plugin Diagnostics 259

None option, of Specifier pop-up menu 236, 239, 512, 569, 574

Non-Visual Bean/Custom option, of Java Bean wizard 513

note conventions 20

notification of completed build 365

Nucleus 28

number, going to line 157

Numeric Keypad Bindings checkbox

of Customize IDE Commands window 299, 301, 305


object code 34

removing 364

Object Inspector 543-548

contextual menu 547

Events tab 546

navigating properties with the keyboard (Windows) 545

Object pop-up menu 544

Properties tab 545

Object Inspector command 543, 629

Object Master 90

Object Pascal

methods, alphabetizing 407

Object pop-up menu

and keyboard navigation (Windows) 544

in Object Inspector 544

Object tab, of New window 520


creating in RAD layouts 521

manipulating in RAD layouts 522

removing from RAD layouts 523

odoc AppleEvent 256

OK button 330

online documentation viewers 27

online help and references 158

Open Catalog button 530, 533

Open command 68, 599

Open File icon, in browser 221

Open Recent command 69, 255, 599

Open Scripts Folder command 638

Open Windows On Debugging Monitor During Debugging checkbox

of Windowing preference panel (Mac OS) 283


existing projects 67-71

project files from other hosts 69

projects from earlier IDE versions 70

source files with the browser 244

Opening a Related File 114

Opening Files from the File Menu 108

Opening Files from the Project Window 110

Optimization Level Slider

of Global Optimizations settings panel 347


Arithmetic Optimizations 348

Branch Optimizations 348

Common Subexpression Elimination 348

Copy And Expression Propagation 348

Copy Propagation 348

Dead Code Elimination 347

Dead Store Elimination 348

Expression Simplification 348

Global Register Allocation 347

Global Register Allocation Only For Temporary Values 347

Instruction Scheduling 350

Lifetime Based Register Allocation 350

Live Range Splitting 348

Loop Transformations 349

Loop Unrolling 349

Loop-Invariant Code Motion 349

Peephole Optimization 348

Repeated 350

Strength Reduction 349

Vectorization 349

Optimize For section

of Global Optimizations settings panel 347

optimizing code

and impact on breakpoints 448

Optional Throws field

of New Event dialog box 577

Optional Throws field, of New Method dialog box 567


Access paths 323

activating the browser 331

Add default access path 327

adding access paths 327

advanced compile options 365

Auto-target libraries 354

Browser Display 268

Build Extras 330

build settings 252

caching subprojects 331

changing access paths 330

choosing host application for non-executables 332

commands 291

Custom keywords 352

Editor settings 269

file mappings 334, 335

fonts and tabs 273

general runtime settings 333

Global optimizations 346

global source trees 261

Host flags for access paths 327

IDE extras 254

key bindings 297

Log system messages 353

Plugin Settings 258

preferences 252-289

project-specific source trees 339

removing access paths 330

runtime environment settings 334

Runtime settings 332

setting in browser 241

syntax coloring 274

System Paths 327

System paths 325

Target settings 321

target settings 318-354

toolbars 306

User paths 325

user paths 326

using modification date caching 331

Options Pop-up Menu 138

Other command 632

Other Settings

of Editor Settings preference panel 271

Others Button 176

Output Directory field

in Target Settings panel 323

output file 34, 41

Overlays view 42


Package field

of Java Bean wizard 511

of New Event Set wizard 574

Package Name field

of Java Applet wizard 501

of Java Application wizard 507, 508

of Java Frame wizard 527

Package Required For Parameters field

of New Event dialog box 578

Package Required For Parameters field, of New Method dialog box 567

Package Required For Type field, of New Property dialog box 564

Page Down key 43, 147

Page Setup command 602

Page Setup command (Mac OS) 602

Page Up key 43, 147

Palm OS 28

PalmQuest reference 258


active 396

selecting items in 396, 406

Pane Resize Bar 376

Pane Splitter Controls 140

pane zoom box, of Browser window 217

Panel component 550


for IDE preferences 250

in Target Settings window 316


resizing 396, 406

Panes, in editor window 143-144

Parameters field

of New Event dialog box 577

of New Member Function wizard 235

Parameters field, of New Method dialog box 567


K&R-styled C code 271


correcting circular references 383

Pascal string

entering data as 460

viewing data as 457

Pascal String command 624

Pascal, spurious C code in 487

Password field 585

of FTP PostLinker settings panel 350

Paste command 150, 604

Peephole Optimization 348

PEF container 387


Perforce plug-in 582

Perforce VCS plugin 582

Perl 672

Perl Panel 672

Perl plug-ins

installation on Mac OS 672

installation on Windows 671

Perl script example (Mac OS) 674

Perl scripting 671

special considerations 675

with IDE plug-in API 673-675

Perl software plug-ins

installation 671-672

Perl target settings panel 673

configuring 672-673

PerlDLL.dll 671

platform target

defined 18

platform targets 35

documentation 27

Play Sound After `Bring Up To Date' & `Make' checkbox, of Build Settings preference panel (Mac OS) 253

PlayStation 28

Plugin Diagnostics

All Info option 259

Errors Only option 259

None option 259

of Plugin Settings preference panel 259

Plugin Settings preference panel 258

Disable Third Party Plugins 260

Plugin Diagnostics 259

pointer types

viewing 459

Pop-up Menu editor 556

pop-up menus

sorting functions in 272

PopupMenu component 550

Port ID field

of x86 Settings preference panel (Mac OS) 289

Post-Linker pop-up menu

in Target Settings panel 323

PowerPC 30, 387

PowerPC Embedded 28

PowerPC trap handling

in MetroNub Settings preference panel 288


seeing classes in browser 247

Precompile command 253, 365, 367, 368, 370, 372, 614

precompile_target 367

Precompiled flag

of Flags pop-up menu 338

precompiled headers

automatic updating of 367

creating 366

precompiling 365-372

preference panels 250

Browser Display 268

Build Settings 252

Display Settings 279

Editor Settings 269

Font & Tabs 273

Global Settings 283

IDE Extras 254

Java Settings 286

MetroNub Settings 287

Plugin Settings 258

Source Trees in IDE Preferences window 261

Syntax Coloring 274

Windowing 281

x86 Settings 288

preferences 249-251

Activate browser coloring 268

Auto indent 274

Auto target libraries 285

Background color 269

Balance while typing 271

Build before running 252

Cache edited files between debug sessions 283

changing syntax highlighting colors 276

choosing 252-289

Close non-debugging windows 282

Collapse non-debugging windows 282

commands 291

Compiler thread stack 253

Context popup delay 272

controlling syntax highlighting within a window 276

Default Size For Unbounded Arrays 281

Disable third-party COM plugins 260

Display Settings 279

Do nothing to non-debugging windows 281

Don't step into runtime support code 285

Drag and Drop editing 272

Dynamic scrolling 271

Enable automatic toolbar help (Mac OS) 257

Find Reference Using (Mac OS) 258

Flashing delay 272

fonts and tabs 273

for main text color 269

global settings for debugger 283

Hide non-debugging windows 281

IDE extras 254

importing or exporting custom keywords 277

In variable panes, show all locals by default 280

In variable panes, show variable types by default 280

Include file cache (Mac OS) 253

Include insert template commands in context menu 268

Java settings for debugger 286

key bindings 297

Left margin click selects line 271

MetroNub settings 287

MetroNub symbolics settings (Mac OS) 288

Minimize non-debugging windows 282

Monitor for debugging (Mac OS) 282

plugin diagnostics 259

Recent Documents 255

Recent Projects 255

remembering for fonts 270

Save open files before build 253

Select stack crawl window when task is stopped 285

selection position 270

setting Java class for debugging (Windows) 286

setting Java program arguments (Windows) 286

setting JView arguments (Windows) 286

setting port ID for remote debugging (Mac OS) 289

setting remote IP address for debugging (Mac OS) 289

setting up remote debugging (Mac OS) 289

Show tasks in separate windows 280

show variable types by default 456

Show variable values in source code 281

Sort function popup 272

Sort functions by method name in browser 280, 407

Source Trees 261

Tab indents selection 274

Tab inserts spaces 274

Tab size 274

toolbars 306

Use BBEdit Extensions (Mac OS) 258

Use External Editor 256

Use Multiple Document Interface (Windows) 256

Use Script Menu (Mac OS) 257

Use ToolServer Menu (Mac OS) 257

using color for custom keywords 276

Variable Change Hilite 279

Watchpoint Hilite 279

window position and size 270

Windowing 281

x86 settings 288

Zoom windows to full screen 256

Preferences command 249, 606

Prefix Key Timeout field

of Customize IDE Commands window 306

prefix keys 303

Quote Key 303

timeout of 306

Pre-Linker pop-up menu

in Target Settings panel 322

Preparing 390


for debugging 390-394

Preprocess command 253, 373, 614

preprocessing code 372

preprocessor 372

preprocessor symbols

adding to projects 105-106

Print command 602

Print Selection Only 124

Print Setup command (Windows) 602

Print using Syntax Highlighting option 124


window 124

with syntax coloring 124

Private option, of Access pop-up menu 236, 239, 568, 574

Process pane 426

Processes window 424

Processes Window command 424, 628

Processes window toolbar 425

processor registers

viewing 464

Program Arguments field

of Java Settings preference panel (Windows) 286

of Runtime Settings panel 333

program counter. See current-statement arrow.

Program window 395

compared to Source Code Browser window 405

debugger toolbar 397

defined 396

Source pane 400

Stack Crawl pane 398

Variables pane 398

programming concepts 31-35

Project (VCS operation) 587

Project Checkout Status icon 50

Project field

of New Class wizard 233

project file 33

Project Headers checkbox 175

Project Information Caption 375

Project Inspector 98, 385

Project Inspector command 628

Project Menu 612-618

Add File command 612

Add Files command 612

Add Window command 612

Bring Up To Date command 614

Check Syntax command 613

Compile command 614

Create New Group command 612

Create New Segment command (Mac OS) 613

Create New Target command 613

Disable Debugger command 617

Disassemble command 614

Enable Debugger command 616

Make command 615

Precompile command 614

Preprocess command 614

Remove Binaries command 615

Remove Object Code & Compact command 615

Remove Object Code command 615

Remove Selected Items command 613

Re-Search for Files command 615

Reset File Paths command 613

Reset Project Entry Paths command 616

Resume command (Mac OS) 617

Run command 617

Set Default Project command 618

Set Default Target command 618

Stop Build command 615

Synchronize Modification Dates command 616

Project Name text field, of Project panel 496

Project panel

Design Name text field 514

Location text field 497, 514

Project Name text field 496

Project Panel

Add Design To Project checkbox 514

Project pop-up menu, in New window 520

Project Relative Path 328

project stationery 53, 60

automatic setup of 58

creating 61

folder 60

requirements 61

Project Stationery options, of New window 53

Project tab, in New window 54, 495, 513

Project window 592

Checkout Status column 50

Code column 45

Data column 46

Debug column 46

debug column 393

Design tab 515

Design view 42, 50

File column 44

File Control pop-up menu 49

Files view 42, 44

guided tour 42-52

Interface pop-up menu 48

Link Order view 42, 51

navigating 43

Project Checkout Status icon 50

sorting items in Files view 47

Target column 47

Targets view 43, 51

toolbar 43

Touch column 47

Projector VCS plugin 582


about project stationery 60

activating debugging for 103

adding designs 513

adding files 77

adding files (Macintosh) 80

adding files (Solaris) 82

adding files (Windows) 79

adding files with drag and drop 83

adding preprocessor symbols to 105-106

backing up 72

build targets 18

building 59, 357-365

choosing a default project 73-74

choosing stationery 53

closing 73

compiling 357-365

complex project strategy 94

controlling debugging in 103-104

converting from 1.7 IDE 70, 71

converting from IDE 1.7 format 70

converting makefiles 64-67

creating 52-59

creating from stationery 54

creating groups 86

creating stationery 61

creating subprojects within 98

debug enabling 361

debugging 37, 362

debugging setup 103-104

defined 18

empty project 53

examining information 99-101

expanding and collapsing groups 74

importing and exporting 102-103

items saved with 72

linking 357-365

making 360

managing files 74-90

modifying 59

moving 102

moving files and groups 85

naming 55

navigation 43

new 53

New Project dialog box 57

opening existing 67-71

opening files prior to IDE 1.7 (Mac OS) 71

opening project files from other hosts 69

opening projects from earlier IDE versions 70

opening subprojects 69

platform target 18

project file 33

RAD wizards 53

removing files and groups 87

renaming groups 88

revision control 50

running 361

saving 72-73

saving a copy 72

selecting files 76

selecting groups 76

setting link order 359

settings 318-354

stationery 36, 53, 59-64

stationery folder 60

subproject defined 92

switching between 68

synchronizing modification dates 90

targets 35

defined 18

touching and untouching files 89

types 53

updating 360

working with complex projects 90-99

Properties (VCS operation) 588

Properties command 526


Properties 539

Properties tab

in Object Inspector 545

Properties tab view, in browser (RAD) 560

Protected option, of Access pop-up menu 236, 239, 568, 574

Public option, of Access pop-up menu 236, 239, 512, 568, 574

Pure Virtual option, of Specifier pop-up menu 236

Purge Cache button

of Global Settings preference panel 283

PVCS VCS plugin 582


question mark in variable names 484

QuickHelp 258

QuickStart 27, 31

QuickStart and tutorials 27

QuickStart resources 27

QuickView 258

Quit command 603

Quote Key prefix 303

assigning 304



about 493-494

adding designs to projects 513

additional browser features 559-563

additional information for applets 505, 509

and CodeWarrior architecture 493

assigning build targets to custom event sets 576

benefits of 493

browser tab control 559

Catalog pane 533

Catalog pop-up menu 529

catalogs 495

class authoring 494

Component Catalog toolbar 532

Component Catalog window 532-542

component editors 552-557

Component Information Bar 536

component model 494

Component Palette 528-531

Component Palette toolbar 529

Component pane 534

component tools 530

components 494, 549

Content View buttons 534

creating component catalogs 539

creating layout objects 521

creating layouts 519

creating parameters for applets 504

describing an application's frame class 507

describing class of Java applets 500

describing class of Java applications 506

describing class of Java frames 527

design defined 93

Design view 515

dialog boxes for RAD browser 563-579

Events tab view 562

Layout editor 495, 519, 519-526

layout wizards 526-528

manipulating layout objects 522

Methods tab view 561

modifying layouts 521

modifying object events 546

modifying object properties 545

Object Inspector 543-548

Properties tab view 560

removing layout objects 523

setting base class and interfaces of beans 512

setting base class and interfaces of custom event sets 575

setting name and location of beans 510

setting name and location of custom event sets 572

sort order of components 538

sorting components 538

specifying an HTML page for applets 501

wizards 496

Java Applet Wizard 514

Java Application Wizard 514

Java Bean Wizard 514

working with designs 513-516

working with layouts 516-518

RAD components

Java AWT 549-550

Java Swing 550-552

RAD objects

examining 523

selecting multiple 522

RAD projects

creating 495-498

RAD tools

defined 37

in CodeWarrior 494-495

RAD wizards 53, 498-513

Back button 499, 526, 571

Cancel button 499, 526, 571

Finish button 499, 526, 571

Generate button 499, 527

Java Applet Wizard 496

Java Application Wizard 496

Java Bean Wizard 496

Java Frame Wizard 520

Next button 499, 526, 571

RAM Doubler 450

Ram Doubler 479

Rapid Application Development. See RAD.


ClearCase plug-in 582

raw memory

viewing 462

Recent Projects field

of IDE Extras preference panel 255

Recent Strings pop-up menu 179, 182

recompiling 359

recompiling files 359

Recursion (VCS operation) 587

recursive search of access paths 323

enabling and disabling 324

redefined functions

setting breakpoints 447

redo and undo

series of actions 272

Redo command 604

reference information

for IDE 597

for IDE menus 597-640

refining code 34

register coloring 482

Register Window command 421

register windows 400, 402


changing values 421, 423

in expressions 469

viewing 400, 402, 421, 423

viewing memory pointed to by an address 462

Registers Windows command 629

Registry Key option

of Source Trees preference panel 263

of Source Trees settings panel 341

Registry Key option, in Type pop-up menu 263, 341

regular expressions 195-203

Relative To Class option, of New Class wizard 229

Relative To Class option, of New Event Set wizard 574

Relaxed C Popup Parsing checkbox

of Editor Settings preference panel 271

Remember Password (VCS option) 585

Remember Password option 585

Remember section

of Editor Settings preference panel 270


insertion point location 270

selection position 270

Remote Debugging checkbox

of MetroNub Settings preference panel (Mac OS) 288

of x86 Settings preference panel (Mac OS) 289

Remote Directory field

of FTP PostLinker settings panel 351

Remote IP Address field

of x86 Settings preference panel (Mac OS) 289

Remote IP/

Port field

of MetroNub Settings preference panel (Mac OS) 288

Remove a file set command 192

Remove Binaries command 615

Remove button

in Access Paths settings panel 330

of Source Trees preference panel 267

of Source Trees settings panel 345

Remove button, of Java Applet wizard 505

Remove Files command 87

Remove Object Code & Compact command 615

Remove Object Code command 364, 615

Remove Selected Items command 613

Remove Toolbar Item command 311


all elements from toolbars 312

binaries 363, 364

custom keywords 276

elements from toolbars 311

environment variables 334

files and groups 87

key bindings 302

keyboard shortcuts 302

menu items in Menu editor 556

object code 364

RAD objects in layouts 523

Rename commands 539

Renaming and saving a file 116


expressions 411

Repeated optimizations 350

Replace & Find Next command 609

Replace & Find Previous command 609

Replace All command 183, 609

Replace command 609

require directive 672


for creating stationery 61

Re-Search for Files command 615

Reset command (Embedded) 618

Reset File Paths command 613

Reset Floating Toolbar command 312, 635

Reset Main Toolbar command (Windows) 312

Reset Project Entry Paths command 616

Reset Window Toolbar command 312, 634

resize bar, in browser 217

Resize command 525


columns in Component Information Bar 538

panes 406

resizing panes 396

resource file 32

Resource File flag

in Flags pop-up menu 338


QuickStart and tutorials 27

Restart command 618

Restore Window command (Windows) 626


default toolbars 312


on choosing key bindings 299

Resume command (Mac OS) 617

Return Type field

of New Member Function wizard 235

Return Type field, of New Method dialog box 567

Revert command 601

Revert Panel button 251, 291, 318

revision control 631

revision control systems 50

see Version Control System (VCS) 581

right option, of Java Applet wizard 504

Routine Pop-up Menu 154

routine pop-Up menu 136

Routine pop-up menu. See Function pop-up menu.


seeing definitions in browser 245

stepping into 434

stepping out of 434

Run 430

Run App/Script field

of Customize IDE Commands window 295

Run command 253, 360, 361, 394, 432, 436, 450, 478, 617

in debugger toolbar 397

Run commands 285


code in debugger 432

running code 430

running debugger

problems 479

running debugger. See launching debugger.

Runtime Settings panel 332

Clear button 333

Environment Settings section 334

General Settings section 333

Host Application For Libraries And Code Resources field 332

Program Arguments field 333

Working Directory field 333


Sample field

of Font & Tabs preference panel 274

Save A Copy As command 72, 118, 601

Save All command 600

Save As command 116, 416, 601

Save button 251, 290, 291, 317

Save buttons 318

Save command 370, 372, 600

Save Default Window command 627

Save Open Files Before Build checkbox

of Build Settings preference panel 253

Save Project Entries Using Relative Paths checkbox

in Target Settings panel 323

Save this File Set command 191


a copy of a project 72

files in various text formats 272

items saved with projects 72

projects 72-73

window position and size 270

Saving all files 116

Saving files automatically 116

Saving one file 115


IDE 38

using Perl 671


IDE scripting 38

Scripts Menu 637

Open Scripts Folder command 638

Scrollbar component 550


setting dynamic scrolling (Mac OS) 271

ScrollPane component 550

Search Menu 606-612

Compare Files command 611

Enter `Find' String command 608

Enter `Replace' String command 608

Find command 607

Find Definition 610

Find Definition & Reference command 610

Find in Next File command 607

Find in Previous File command 608

Find Next command 607

Find Previous command 607

Find Previous Selection command 608

Find Reference command (Mac OS) 610

Find Selection command 608

Go Back command 611

Go Forward command 611

Go To Line command 611

Replace & Find Next command 609

Replace & Find Previous command 609

Replace All command 609

Replace command 609

Search Menu Find Selection command 608

search of access paths

enabling and disabling 324

searching 176

find and replace 185-194

for selection 177

multi-file 171-176

selected text 176-178

Segments view 42

Select All command 548, 605

Select Stack Crawl Window When Task Is Stopped checkbox 285

of Global Settings preference panel 285

selected text search 176


lines by clicking in left margin 271

multiple RAD objects 522

selecting items in a pane 396, 406


by keyboard 77

by mouse-clicking 76

finding 177

printing 124

Selection Position checkbox

of Editor Settings preference panel 270

Send To Back command 526, 630

Set Breakpoint command 619

Set button

of New Event Set wizard 229, 573, 574

of New window 56, 497, 540

Set Default Project command 618

Set Default Target command 618

set up

for debugging 390-394

Set Watchpoint command 451, 621


a temporary breakpoint 435

Background Color 269

breakpoints 443

breakpoints for redefined functions 447

breakpoints for templated functions 447

font 274

font size 274

main text color 269

options in browser 241

tab size 274

the current build target 96

watchpoints 451

setting breakpoints 443

setting link order 359

Setting print options 123

setting up

build target for debugging 391

files for debugging 392


for build targets 315-318

Source Trees 339

Settings option for makefiles 67

settings panels 316

Access Paths 323

Build Extras 330

Custom Keywords 352

File Mappings 334

FTP PostLinker 350

Global Optimizations 346

Runtime Settings 332

Source Trees in Target Settings window 339

Target Settings 321


project debugging 103-104

shared libraries 387

linker options 385

sharing files between projects 487

Shift Left command 151, 605

Shift Right command 151, 605

shortcut conventions 22

Solaris 23


entering values in Type field of Java Applet wizard 505

keyboard shortcut restrictions 299

Show Breakpoints command 444, 620

Show Catalog Window command 627

Show Floating Toolbar command 308, 634

Show Global Toolbar 634

Show Inherited checkbox 219, 220, 246

Show Main Toolbar command (Windows) 308

Show Private command 217

Show Processes command (debugger) 424

Show Protected command 217

Show Public command 217

Show Tasks In Separate Windows checkbox

of Display Settings preference panel 280

Show Types command 456, 484, 622

show variable types by default 456

Show Variable Values In Source Code checkbox

of Display Settings preference panel 281

Show Window Toolbar command 309, 397, 634


toolbars 308

signed decimal

viewing data as 457

Signed Decimal command 623

single IDE 1.7 projects

converting to latest IDE version 70

single-class hierarchy, in browser 223

Size pop-up menu

of Font & Tabs preference panel 274


statements 435

skipping statements 435

Smaller Code Size radio button

of Global Optimizations settings panel 347

Snap To Grid command 526, 630


generation of 34

Solaris 28

Copy Files 640

File Systems 640

Info Menu (Solaris) 639

keyboard conventions 23

Keyboard Preferences 640

system requirements 31

Sort Function Pop-Up checkbox

of Editor Settings preference panel 272

Sort Functions By Method Name In Browser checkbox

of Display Settings preference panel 280

sort order

RAD components 538

Sort Order button 48


functions in pop-up menus 272

RAD components 538

sorting items in Files view of Project window 47

source code

activating debugging for 103

disassembling 373

editing and browsing 36

editing in debugger 465

font and color 442

viewing 486

Source Code Browser

Source pane 408

Source Code Browser window 404, 439

compared to Program window 405

compared to Stack Crawl window 405

Files pane 406

Functions pane 407

setting breakpoints in 408

Source Code Disclosure Triangle 376

source code file 32

Source Code Pane 376

source files

compiling 359

opening with the browser 244

precompiling 365-372

Source pane

disclosure triangle 400

of Program window 400

of Source Code Browser 408

Source pane, in browser 220

source paths 261, 339

Source pop-up menu 406, 408

Source Tree Relative 329

Source Trees

difference between panels in IDE Preferences window and Target Settings window 261, 339

source trees 261, 339

Source Trees list

in Source Trees preference panel 262

in Source Trees settings panel 340

Source Trees preference panel

Absolute Path option 263

Add button 263

Change button 266

Choose button 263

Environment Variable option 263

Name column 262

Name field 262, 263

of IDE Preferences window 261

Registry Key option 263

Remove button 267

Source Trees list 262

Type field 263

Source Trees settings panel

Absolute Path option 341

Add button 341

Change button 344

Choose button 341

Environment Variable option 341

Name column 340

Name field 340, 341

of Target Settings window 339

Registry Key option 341

Remove button 345

Source Trees list 340

Type field 341

Sources checkbox 174

SourceSafe VCS plugin 582

special features

of expressions 469

Specifier pop-up menu

Abstract option 512, 569, 574

Final option 512, 569, 574

Mutable option 239

None option 236, 239, 512, 569, 574

of Java Bean wizard 512

of New Event Set wizard 574

Pure Virtual option 236

Static option 236, 239, 569, 574

Virtual option 236

Speed Doubler 450


viewing routine calls 398

stack contents

viewing 464

Stack Crawl pane 398, 438

Stack Crawl window 395

compared to Source Code Browser window 405

debugger toolbar 397

defined 396

Source pane 400

Stack Crawl pane 398

Variables pane 398

Stack Editor Windows command 625

Start ToolServer command 636


skipping 435

static constructors

debugging 285

static library 33

Static option, of Specifier pop-up menu 236, 239, 569, 574

static variables 412

stationery 60

about project stationery 60

and creating projects 54

automatic setup of 58

creating 61

folder 60

project 59-64

project stationery 53

projects 53

requirements 61

stationery projects 36

Status (VCS operation) 588

status area

of browser 221

Step Into 431

Step Into command 434, 619

in debugger toolbar 397

Step Out 431

Step Out command 434, 619

in debugger toolbar 397

Step Over 430

Step Over command 433, 618

in debugger toolbar 397


into routines 434

out of routines 434

through a single line of code 433

through code 433

Stepping Buttons 375

stepping through code 430

Stop 430

Stop At Beginning Of `Main' When Launching Applications checkbox

of Global Settings preference panel 285

Stop at EOF option 173, 174, 193

Stop At Watchpoints checkbox

of Debugger Settings panel 354

Stop Build command 615

Stop command 432, 436, 619

in debugger toolbar 397

Stop For Traps option

of MetroNub Settings preference panel (Mac OS) 288

Stop ToolServer command 636


execution of code 436

stopping code 430

stopping execution 436

compared to killing 437


for creating complex projects 94

Strength Reduction 349


coloring 275

style conventions

for beginners 21

notes 20

tips 21

typefaces 21

warnings 20


defined 92


browsing across 243

creating within projects 98

opening 69

Success pop-up menu

of Build Settings preference panel 253

Summary section, of New Property dialog box 566


RAD components 550-552

Swing Applet radio button

of Java Applet wizard 501

Swing Frame radio button

of Java Application wizard 509

of Java Frame wizard 528

Switch To Monitor command 622

Symantec THINK Reference 258

symbol documentation

looking up 158

Symbol window, in browser 224

symbolics file 35

and debugging 391

defined 391

multiple open files 396, 406

symbolics files 390

and location in which saved 391

symbolics information

generating 393


completing 243

defining for C/C++ 369

defining for Pascal 371

identifying in the browser database 241

Symbols pane, in Contents window 213

Synchronize Modification Dates command 363, 616

Synchronize Status (VCS operation) 587

Synchronized checkbox

of New Event dialog box 578

of New Method dialog box 569


modification dates 90, 363

Synchronizing modification dates 90


PVCS plug-in 582


of expressions 473

Syntax Coloring

and printing 124

syntax coloring

changing 276

Syntax Coloring command 276

Syntax Coloring preference panel 274

Syntax coloring, table of 275

syntax highlighting

controlling within a window 276

System Headers checkbox 175

System Paths pane

in Access Paths settings panel 327

System Paths radio button

in Access Paths settings panel (Windows) 325

System Relative Path 264, 329, 343

System Requirements 29

system requirements 29-31

for Linux IDE 31

for Mac IDE 30

for Solaris IDE 31

for Windows IDE 30


tab control

displaying a tab view 560

tab control, in browser (RAD) 559

Tab Indents Selection checkbox

of Font & Tabs preference panel 274

Tab Inserts Spaces checkbox

of Font & Tabs preference panel

Font & Tabs preference panel

Tab Inserts Spaces checkbox 274

Tab Settings section

of Font & Tabs preference panel 274

Tab Size field

of Font & Tabs preference panel 274

tab view

displaying 560

limitations of 560


inserting spaces instead of 274

setting size of 274


build target defined 91

changing the build target name 95

changing the build target settings 96

defined 18

Target column 47, 97

Target Name field

in Target Settings panel 322

Target Settings command 369, 371, 372, 606

Target Settings panel 321

Choose button 323

Clear button 323

Linker pop-up menu 322

Output Directory field 323

Post-Linker pop-up menu 323

Pre-Linker pop-up menu 322

Save Project Entries Using Relative Paths checkbox 323

Target Name field 322

Target Settings window

build target configurations 320

choosing settings 318-354

code generation configurations 346

debugger configurations 352

dialog box buttons 317

discarding changes 317

editor configurations 352

linker configurations 350

settings panels 316

Source Trees panel 339


IDE 28


assigning files to build targets 97

creating build target dependencies 97

creating build targets 94

platform target documentation 27

setting the build target 96

Targets section

of New Class wizard 233

Targets section, of New Event Set wizard 576

Targets tab, in Project window

Project window

Targets tab 516

Targets view 43

and designs 516

of Project window 51

Task pane 426


viewing 424

templated functions

setting breakpoints 447


auto-completion of names 244

temporary breakpoints 435, 444

effect on regular breakpoints 444

setting 444

temporary variables 483


drag and drop of 150


indenting automatically 274

Text Editing Area 135

Text File List option (Mac OS) 103

text formats

saving files in 272

text replace

Replace All 183

replacing found text 182

selective replace 182

single file 178-184

text replacing

in multiple files 185-194

text search 195-203

activating multi-file 186

Batch search 184

choosing file sets 190

choosing files 187

controlling range 180

controlling search parameters 181

controlling search range 193

finding selection 177

finding text 178

for selection 177

multi-file 171-176

multiple file 185-194

regular expressions 195-203

removing file sets 194

saving file sets 191

selected text search 176

single file 178-184

TextArea component 550

TextField component 550

texttop option, of Java Applet wizard 504

THINK Reference 162, 258


disabling and enabling plugins 260

third-party editor support 255

third-party editors 90

third-party text editors

Emacs 255

third-party tools 39


viewing 424

__throw() 622

Tile Editor Windows command 626

Tile Editor Windows Vertically command 626

Tile Vertical command 626

tip conventions 21

Title field, of Java Applet wizard 502

Toggle Index View button 533, 534

Tool Set Used In Makefile pop-up menu 67


in browser 215

of Component Catalog window 532

of Component Palette 529

of debugger 397

Toolbar Disclosure Button 140

Toolbar Submenu 627, 633-635

Anchor Floating Toolbar command (Mac OS) 635

Clear Floating Toolbar command 635

Clear Window Toolbar command 634

Hide Floating Toolbar command 634

Hide Window Toolbar command 634

Reset Floating Toolbar command 635

Reset Window Toolbar command 634

Show Floating Toolbar command 634

Show Window Toolbar command 634

Unanchor Floating Toolbar command (Mac OS) 635


adding elements 311

anchoring floating toolbar 313

customizing 306

elements 307

floating toolbar (Mac OS) 308

main toolbar (Windows) 308

modifying 310

Project window toolbar 43

removing all elements 312

removing elements 311

restoring default settings 312

showing and hiding 308

types 307

window toolbar 309

Toolbox Assistant, Macintosh Programmer's 161


third-party 39

tools for RAD 494-495

Tools Menu (Mac OS) 635-637

Commando command 636

Execute as ToolServer Script command 636

Insert Template command 637

Lookup Symbol command 637

Start ToolServer command 636

Stop ToolServer command 636

Tools Submenu 633-635


tools 637

ToolServer Worksheet command (Mac OS) 628

top option, of Java Applet wizard 504

Touch column 47, 89

Touch command 89


files 89

Transient checkbox, in New Property dialog box 566

Treat #include /</> as #include "" option 325


breakpoints 480, 481

bus error 481

changing variable values 482

Debug command 479

debugger 477-491

Enable Debugging 478

error on launch 479

launching debugger 478

no source code 486

outdated source files 487

strange data types 484

strange variable names 483

undefined indentifier 485

unrecognized data types 485

variable does not change 482

variables 482

tutorial resources 27

Type applet parameter, of Java Applet wizard 504

Type field

in Source Trees preference panel 263

in Source Trees settings panel 341

of New Data Member wizard 238

Type field shortcut, in Java Applet wizard 505

Type field, in New Property dialog box 566

Type field, of New Property dialog box 564

Type pop-up menu

Absolute Path option 263, 341

Environment Variable option 263, 341

Registry Key option 263, 341

type. See data types.


auto-completion of names 244

typeface conventions 21


of project files 53


balancing parentheses, brackets, and braces 271

typographical conventions 20


Unanchor Floating Toolbar command 313

Unanchor Floating Toolbar command (Mac OS) 635

undefined identifier 485


plugin compilers 356

undo and redo

series of actions 272

Undo Checkout (VCS operation) 588

Undo command 603, 604

Ungroup command 526, 630

UNI Software

Voodoo plug-in 582

Unicode String command 624

UNIX text files 119

Unlock command 539

Unselect tool 530

unsigned decimal

viewing data as 457

Unsigned Decimal command 623


files 89

updating projects 359, 360

Use Archive (JAR) field, of Java Applet wizard 503

Use BBEdit Extensions checkbox

of IDE Extras preference panel (Mac OS) 258

Use External Editor checkbox

of IDE Extras preference panel 256

Use Modification Date Caching checkbox

of Build Extras settings panel 331

Use Multiple Document Interface checkbox

of IDE Extras preference panel (Windows) 256

Use Multiple Undo checkbox

of Editor Settings preference panel 272

Use Script Menu checkbox

of IDE Extras preference panel (Mac OS) 257

Use separate file for member definitions checkbox

of New Class wizard 230

Use Third Party Debugger checkbox

of Build Extras settings panel (Windows) 332

Use Third Party Editor 255

Use Third Party Editor checkbox

of IDE Extras preference panel (Windows) 255

Use ToolServer Menu checkbox

of IDE Extras preference panel (Mac OS) 257

Use Version Control option 584

User Name field

of FTP PostLinker settings panel 350

User Paths pane

in Access Paths settings panel 326

User Paths radio button

in Access Paths settings panel (Windows) 325

user-defined roots 261, 339

Username field 585


Browser menu 226

expressions 469

the debugger 394-395


changing variable value 459

Variable applet parameter, of Java Applet wizard 504

Variable Change Hilite option

of Display Settings preference panel 279

Variable window 413, 416

automatic closing of 416


changing values 459

creating environment 334

data formats 460

deleting environment 334

expanding 399, 418, 454

global 412, 454

in Expressions window 461

in separate windows 455

local 454, 461

meaning of $ 484

modifying environment 334

opening a window for 413

static 412

strange names 483

temporary 483

troubleshooting 482

Variables (VCS operation) 588

Variables pane 398, 454

Variables:All listing 399

Variables:Auto listing 399


All 280

Auto 280

Variables:All 399

Variables:Auto 399

VCS 38

VCS menu 586

VCS Message window 593

VCS Pop-up menu 589, 591

VCS pop-up menu 221

VCS Setup panel 583, 584

Vectorization 349

Version Control Login window 589

Version Control Settings (VCS option) 584

Version Control Settings command 606

Version Control System (VCS)

activation 583

file permissions

Checked out 590

Locked 591

Modify Read-Only 590

Read-Only 590

Unlocked 591

IDE plugins

ClearCase 582

CVS 582

Perforce 582

Projector 582

PVCS 582

SourceSafe 582


installation 583

Menu 631


VCS menu 586

VCS Pop-up menu 589


About 588

Add 588, 591

Checkin 588, 592

Checkout 588, 591

Comment 588

Connect 588

Disconnect 588

Get 587, 591

History 588

Label 588

Make Writable 592

Project 587

Properties 588

Recursion 587

Status 588

Synchronize Status 587

Undo Checkout 588, 591

Unlock 591

Variables 588


Project window 592

VCS Message Window 593

Version Control Login 589


variables while debugging 409

View Alphabetical command 548

View Array command 413, 417, 623

View As command 623

View As Implementor command 217

View As Subclass command 217

View As User command 217

View command 539

View In Groups command 548

View Memory As command 417, 419, 462, 623

View Memory command 419, 462, 623

View Variable command 413, 623

viewers, documentation 27


breakpoints 445

call chain 398

code as assembly language 390, 402, 408

code as mixed 403, 408

data as different types 458

data as multiple types 461

data in debugger 453

data in different formats 457

data types 456

debugger toolbar 397

expressions 411

global variables 412, 454

local variables 398, 454

member functions and data members in browser 216


viewing memory dump 455

memory at an address 462

pointer types 459

processor registers 464

raw memory 462

registers 400, 402, 421, 423

stack contents 464

threads and tasks 424

watchpoints 453

Virtual destructor checkbox

of New Class wizard 232

Virtual option, of Specifier pop-up menu 236

Visual Bean option, of Java Bean wizard 513

Visual C, converting nmake files to projects 53

Visual Component option, of New Event Set wizard 575

Visual Sourcesafe, see SourceSafe 582

Volatile checkbox

of New Data Member wizard 239

Volatile checkbox, in New Property dialog box 566

VOODOO VCS plugin 582

VSpace field, of Java Applet wizard 503

Warning Button 374

warning conventions 20

Warning Messages 377


defined 450

restrictions on 452

setting 451

viewing 453

Watchpoint Hilite option

of Display Settings preference panel 279


clearing 415

limitations (Mac OS) 451

on 68K machines 450

setting and clearing 451

viewing 453

Watchpoints window 414

Watchpoints window 414

Watchpoints Window command 414, 453, 629

"Weak" link 386

Width field, of Java Applet wizard 503

wildcard searching 195-203

Win32/x86 28

Window Menu 625-630

Breakpoints Window command 629

Browser Contents command 627

Build Progress Window command 628

Class Hierarchy Window command 627

Collapse Window command (Mac OS) 626

Component Catalog command 629

Component Palette command 629

Errors & Warnings Window command 628

Expand Window command (Mac OS) 626

Expressions Window command 628

Global Variables Window command 629

Minimize Window command (Windows) 626

New Class Browser command 627

Object Inspector command 629

Processes Window command 628

Project Inspector command 628

Registers Windows command 629

Restore Window command (Windows) 626

Save Default Window command 627

Show Catalog Window command 627

Stack Editor Windows command 625

Tile Editor Windows command 626

Tile Editor Windows Vertically command 626

Tile Vertical command 626

Toolbar submenu 627

ToolServer Worksheet command (Mac OS) 628

Watchpoints Window command 629

Zoom Window command 626

Window Position And Size checkbox

of Editor Settings preference panel 270

Windowing preference panel 281

Close Non-Debugging Windows radio button 282

Collapse Non-Debugging Windows radio button 282

Do Nothing To Non-Debugging Windows radio button 281

Hide Non-Debugging Windows radio button 281

Minimize Non-Debugging Windows radio button (Windows) 282

Monitor For Debugging pop-up menu (Mac OS) 282

Move Open Windows To Debugging Monitor When Debugging Starts checkbox (Mac OS) 282

Open Windows On Debugging Monitor During Debugging checkbox (Mac OS) 283


system requirements 30


class browser 214-221

controlling syntax highlighting within 276

Expressions window 411

Global Variables window 412

Program window 395

Project window Design view 42, 50

Project window Files view 42, 44

Project window Link Order view 42, 51

Project window navigation 43

Project window Targets view 43, 51

Project window toolbar 43

resizing panes 396

Source Code Browser 404

Stack Crawl window 395


for Browser 227-240

for RAD 498-513

for RAD layouts 526-528

for RAD projects 496

Java Applet 499

Java Applet Wizard 496, 514

Java Application 506

Java Application Wizard 496, 514

Java Bean 510

Java Bean Wizard 496, 514

Java Frame 527

Java Frame Wizard 520

New Class 228

New Data Member 237

New Event Set 571

New Member Function 234

wizards, for RAD projects 53


with complex projects 90-99

Working Directory field

in Runtime Settings panel 333

working with projects 41

x86 Settings preference panel 288

Port ID field (Mac OS) 289

Remote Debugging checkbox (Mac OS) 289

Remote IP Address field (Mac OS) 289

Y2K. See Year 2000.

Year 2000 (Y2K)

additional information 24

and CodeWarrior compliance issues 24

Zoom Window command 626

Zoom Windows To Full Screen checkbox

of IDE Extras preference panel 256

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Copyright © 1999, Metrowerks Corp. All rights reserved.

Last updated: May 24, 1999 * Chris Magnuson * John Roseborough